Robot Inverse Kinematics

Nov 27, 2017

Robot kinematics helps to achieve specific end effector positions by calculating the joint parameters. The branch of study focuses on the motion of objects without reference to forces that cause the movement, helping to improve the overall motion and process.


Kine­mat­ics of robots is a branch of mechan­ics that con­cen­trates on the motion of objects with­out ref­er­ence to forces that cause move­ment. Robot kine­mat­ics involves apply­ing geom­e­try to the varies degrees of free­dom in the kine­mat­ic chains form­ing the struc­ture of robot­ic sys­tems. Kine­mat­ics of robots is key because it plans and con­trols move­ment of robots, along with com­put­ing actu­a­tor forces and torques. Non-lin­ear equa­tions are used to lay­out joint para­me­ters to con­fig­ure the robot sys­tem. Kine­mat­ic equa­tions are para­mount to the kine­mat­ics of robots.

Robot inverse kine­mat­ics is the process of achiev­ing the spe­cif­ic end effec­tor posi­tion desired for a robot by com­put­ing the joint para­me­ters. In oth­er words you know what you want the end effec­tor to pre­form, but you need to fig­ure out the joint angles required to accom­plish it. For instance, you want your inverse kine­mat­ics robot to grab a box, so you com­pute the angles for each joint in order for the robot to com­plete your task. Robot inverse kine­mat­ics is high­ly use­ful and effec­tive, but can be very com­pli­cat­ed since there may be no solu­tions or mul­ti­ple ones.

For more infor­ma­tion on the robot inverse or a quote, please con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881.

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