Robot Programming with ABB's RobotStudio

Oct 23, 2013

ABB's RobotStudio helps the operator conduct better training and programming on the systems. The RobotStudio by ABB optimizes production lines without disturbing the current production. There is a quick start-up, short change-over and overall better productivity.


The best way to max­i­mize return on invest­ment for robot stu­dios is offline pro­gram­ming. ABBs Robot­Stu­dio, sim­u­la­tion and offline pro­gram­ming soft­ware, allows robot pro­gram­ming to be done with­out shut­ting down pro­duc­tion. A PC in the office is used for the pro­gram­ming while man­u­fac­tur­ing con­tin­ues on schedule.

Robot­Stu­dio enables the oper­a­tor to per­form train­ing, pro­gram­ming, and opti­miza­tion with­out dis­turb­ing pro­duc­tion. Risk reduc­tion, quick start-up, short change-over, and increased pro­duc­tiv­i­ty are all result­ing benefits.

Robot­Stu­dio is built on the ABB Vir­tu­al­Con­troller, an exact copy of the actu­al soft­ware that runs the robots in pro­duc­tion, allow­ing real­is­tic simulations.

Robot­Stu­dio 5.15 comes with a RAPID edi­tor. All ABB robots are pro­grammed using the RAPID lan­guage. The RAPID edi­tor pro­vides a devel­op­ment envi­ron­ment sim­i­lar to Microsoft Visu­al Stu­dio and gives sug­ges­tions and sup­port as the oper­a­tor writes the robot pro­gram. Default argu­ments can be filled in auto­mat­i­cal­ly and instan­ta­neous feed­back is pro­vid­ed on the cor­rect­ness of the code.

The Robot­Stu­dio Basic Func­tion­al­i­ty mode can be down­loaded and used for free. The Pre­mi­um Func­tion­al­i­ty mode must be pur­chased, but can be tried for thir­ty days free of charge.

The ABB Robot­Stu­dio web­site pro­vides resources for new users like blogs, a YouTube chan­nel and Face­book page, and a forum for shar­ing con­tent and ideas.

Robot­ic pro­gram­ming can be made easy with tools like this from ABB. Robots​.com can help you inte­grate and choose the right pro­gram­ming option for your robot. If you would like more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us online or call 8777626881.

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