Robotic Revolution: How Fanuc Robots Put Thanksgiving Dinner on Your Table

Nov 20, 2023

Thanksgiving – a time for feasting and gratitude. Behind the scenes, Fanuc robots play a pivotal role in bringing this festive meal to your table. At T.I.E. Industrial, we provide refurbished Fanuc robots that are integral to this process. This blog will delve into the various applications of these robots in Thanksgiving food preparation and the importance of food-grade robotics.

Robotic Revolution: How Fanuc Robots Put Thanksgiving Dinner on Your Table

Meet­ing the Surge in Demand

The weeks lead­ing up to Thanks­giv­ing are marked by a sig­nif­i­cant increase in pro­duc­tion across sev­er­al food cat­e­gories. Poul­try pro­duc­ers, bak­eries, and veg­etable pro­cess­ing plants, among oth­ers, ramp up their oper­a­tions to meet the height­ened demand. This is where the effi­cien­cy and reli­a­bil­i­ty of Fanuc robots become indispensable.

1. The Poul­try Process: M‑710iC Series at Work

The M‑710iC series robots han­dle tasks like pro­cess­ing, pack­ag­ing, and box­ing turkeys. Their appli­ca­tion involves auto­mat­ed cut­ting, clean­ing, and sort­ing, ensur­ing con­sis­tent qual­i­ty and hygiene.

Poul­try Pro­duc­tion Acceleration

Lead­ing poul­try pro­duc­ers like But­ter­ball and Per­due Farms heav­i­ly rely on automa­tion to keep up with the Thanks­giv­ing turkey demand. Robots in these facil­i­ties are tasked with a range of func­tions, from pack­ag­ing to pal­letiz­ing, ensur­ing a steady sup­ply of turkeys.

2. The Del­i­cate Touch for Desserts: LR Mate Series

These robots are employed for tasks requir­ing a del­i­cate touch, such as dec­o­rat­ing, arrang­ing, and pack­ag­ing pies. They ensure pre­ci­sion and care, cru­cial for main­tain­ing the aes­thet­ic appeal of desserts.

Bak­ery Oper­a­tions Scal­ing Up

Bak­eries, par­tic­u­lar­ly those spe­cial­iz­ing in pies and rolls like Sara Lee and Bim­bo Bak­eries, uti­lize robot­ics for tasks such as dough mix­ing, shap­ing, bak­ing, and pack­ag­ing. Fanuc robots, known for their pre­ci­sion, play a cru­cial role in main­tain­ing prod­uct qual­i­ty while increas­ing output.

3. Heavy Lift­ing Made Easy: R‑2000 Series for Logistics

The R‑2000 series excels in mov­ing heavy loads, cru­cial in the logis­tics of ingre­di­ent trans­porta­tion. They are used for pal­letiz­ing and load­ing, reduc­ing man­u­al labor and increas­ing efficiency

Scal­ing Up for the Hol­i­day Season

Com­pa­nies like Cargill and Tyson Foods, known for their vast range of food prod­ucts, uti­lize these robust robots to han­dle the increased load. The R‑2000 series ensures that heavy items are moved effi­cient­ly and safe­ly, reduc­ing the risk of injury and stream­lin­ing the entire sup­ply chain process.

4. Veg­etable and Fruit Sort­ing: M‑2iA Series’ Speed

These robots rapid­ly sort and pack fresh pro­duce. Their appli­ca­tion is sig­nif­i­cant in main­tain­ing the fresh­ness and qual­i­ty of fruits and veg­eta­bles by han­dling them gen­tly and quickly.

Veg­etable and Fruit Pro­cess­ing Boost

Com­pa­nies like Del Monte Foods and Dole Food Com­pa­ny, which process and pack­age fruits and veg­eta­bles, also ben­e­fit from the speed and effi­cien­cy of Fanuc robots. These robots are vital in sort­ing, cut­ting, and pack­ag­ing prod­ucts, ensur­ing they reach con­sumers fresh and in per­fect condition.

5. Pack­ag­ing Per­fec­tion: LR Mate and M‑710iC in Harmony

Com­bin­ing the strengths of the LR Mate and M‑710iC series, these robots work togeth­er to pack­age var­i­ous Thanks­giv­ing items. Their appli­ca­tion ranges from han­dling del­i­cate items to pack­ag­ing bulki­er prod­ucts securely.

Effi­cient and Safe Packaging

Pack­ag­ing com­pa­nies that sup­ply mate­ri­als for food prod­ucts, such as Sealed Air and WestRock, also depend on robot­ic automa­tion to meet the increased demand for pack­ag­ing solu­tions dur­ing the Thanks­giv­ing peri­od. Robots are used for tasks such as assem­bling box­es and pack­ag­ing mate­ri­als, main­tain­ing a con­tin­u­ous sup­ply chain.

6. From Fac­to­ry to Feast: R‑2000 and M‑710iC in Distribution

These robots han­dle the dis­tri­b­u­tion phase, which includes load­ing, orga­niz­ing, and ensur­ing time­ly deliv­ery of Thanks­giv­ing prod­ucts. Their appli­ca­tion is vital in the sup­ply chain man­age­ment of the food industry.

Ensur­ing Time­ly Deliveries

Retail giants like Wal­mart and Kroger, which see a sig­nif­i­cant increase in cus­tomer traf­fic dur­ing the hol­i­day sea­son, depend on the effi­cien­cy of these robots in their dis­tri­b­u­tion cen­ters. The M‑710iC series, with its ver­sa­til­i­ty, is par­tic­u­lar­ly use­ful in sort­ing a diverse range of prod­ucts, from per­ish­ables to non-food items.

Under­stand­ing Food Grade Robots

Food-grade robots are specif­i­cal­ly designed to meet the strin­gent hygiene and safe­ty stan­dards of the food indus­try. They are built with mate­ri­als that are easy to clean and resis­tant to cor­ro­sion. The sur­faces of these robots are smooth and often made of stain­less steel, pre­vent­ing the accu­mu­la­tion of food par­ti­cles and bacteria.

Fanuc’s food-grade robots, such as cer­tain mod­els with­in the M‑710iC and LR Mate series, are equipped with spe­cial fea­tures like food-grade lubri­cants and pro­tec­tive coat­ings. These fea­tures ensure that the robots can oper­ate in envi­ron­ments where they might come into direct con­tact with food prod­ucts, with­out com­pro­mis­ing food safety.

The use of food-grade robots in the food indus­try is cru­cial for main­tain­ing high stan­dards of food safe­ty and hygiene. They reduce the risk of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion and ensure con­sis­tent qual­i­ty in food pro­duc­tion, pack­ag­ing, and handling.

A Thanks­giv­ing Feast, Cour­tesy of Robotics

As we enjoy our Thanks­giv­ing feast, it’s fas­ci­nat­ing to reflect on the robot­ic tech­nol­o­gy that made it pos­si­ble. From prepar­ing and pack­ag­ing the turkey to sort­ing fruits and veg­eta­bles, Fanuc robots play an inte­gral role. At T.I.E. Indus­tri­al, we pro­vide refur­bished Fanuc robots, includ­ing food-grade options, ensur­ing advanced tech­nol­o­gy is acces­si­ble for all in the food pro­duc­tion industry.

About T.I.E. Industrial

T.I.E. Indus­tri­al spe­cial­izes in pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty refur­bished Fanuc robots. Our focus on cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion and com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty makes us a trust­ed part­ner in enhanc­ing your pro­duc­tion capa­bil­i­ties. Con­tact us to learn how our solu­tions can rev­o­lu­tion­ize your food pro­duc­tion processes.

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