The Benefits of TOP TIG Welding

Oct 11, 2023

TOP-TIG welding is a user friendly, advanced innovation (a branch of TIG welding) that uses new technology to deliver the highest possible energy with the lowest possible heat. TOP TIG welding brings faster speeds and optimal quality welds. If you are interested in automating your production line with TOP TIG welding, contact experts today.

TIP TIG Welding robot

TOP-TIG weld­ing is a new advanced inno­va­tion of the com­mon TIG weld­ing. This process uses new, patent-pend­ing tech­nol­o­gy, that deliv­ers the high­est pos­si­ble weld ener­gy with the low­est pos­si­ble weld heat, all while still being user-friendly. 

While TIG weld­ing is one of the most accu­rate robot­ic weld­ing process­es on the mar­ket today, there is always room for inno­va­tion. Tra­di­tion­al TIG weld­ing is slow­er than MIG and oth­er forms of weld­ing, which could cause com­pa­nies to choose a dif­fer­ent weld­ing appli­ca­tion. TOP TIG weld­ing boasts sev­er­al advan­tages over the tra­di­tion form of TIG weld­ing, includ­ing these sought after, faster speeds. Over­all, TOP TIG is able to pro­vide opti­mum code qual­i­ty welds and the solu­tion to resolve the major­i­ty of ally weld issues occur­ring with TIG and MIG

What is TOP TIG welding?

TOP TIG weld­ing func­tion is a hot wire process that can tack­le a job in every indus­try as it sim­ple to use, sim­ple to learn, and sim­ple to teach. This orig­i­nal process is unique to ABB and has a high­er trav­el speed, low­er heat input, reduced cycle time, and an over­all bet­ter qual­i­ty weld­ing advan­tage. The TOP TIG weld­ing work cell from ABB is an out­fit­ted cell com­plete with a robot, pow­er sup­ply, and positioner. 

The TOP TIG process merges Robo-TOP TIG torch tech­nol­o­gy and a ful­ly inte­grat­ed robot­ic inter­face. This cre­ates a solu­tion that pro­duces the high­est depo­si­tion rates for any TIG process cur­rent­ly avail­able. Deliv­er­ing high depo­si­tion rates with low heat input val­ues allows a con­sis­tent deliv­ery of met­al­lur­gi­cal results on all alloys.

The TIG weld recep­tiv­i­ty for high­er weld depo­si­tion rates is done by decreas­ing the speeds for the weld solid­i­fi­ca­tion process and increas­ing the flu­id weld area. This allows for a 100%-400% increase in TIG wire feed rates, increas­ing the over­all weld cur­rent. All of these attrib­ut­es (faster speeds and high­er than nor­mal weld ener­gy) increase the result­ing TIG weld qual­i­ty and over­all process productivity.

The process is also slag free and uses the low­est pos­si­ble heat input of any weld­ing process, pro­duc­ing a Heat Affect­ed Zone (HAZ), all of which help to reduce dis­tor­tion and weld stress. Addi­tion­al­ly, it has increased cor­ro­sion prop­er­ty reten­tion on all cor­ro­sion resis­tant alloys. It sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduces weld defects, sav­ing com­pa­nies a lot of time and mon­ey, and has flex­i­ble sys­tem con­fig­u­ra­tions based on spe­cif­ic weld­ing needs.

It not only pro­duces some of the high­est qual­i­ty prod­ucts with the best met­al­lur­gi­cal and mechan­i­cal prop­er­ties on all alloys, but also increas­es pro­duc­tion up to four times the nor­mal speed. There is also no inter pass clean­ing, cre­at­ing avail­abil­i­ty for an increased Arc on time and weld quality.

How Top TIG Weld­ing Works:

A TOP TIG weld­ing sys­tem uses a wire fed GTAW sys­tem just like a typ­i­cal TIG sys­tem, but is dis­tinc­tive for the vibra­to­ry effect it adds. This vibra­to­ry effect is fash­ioned by a lin­ear for­ward and back­ward mechan­i­cal motion cre­at­ed by the cus­tom wire feed­er sys­tem. The for­ward and back­ward motion of the filler wire cre­ates an oscil­la­tion that is then trans­ferred to the weld, agi­tat­ing the molten weld pool and ulti­mate­ly dis­rupt­ing the sur­face ten­sion. Addi­tion­al­ly, there is a hotwire cur­rent applied to the filler met­al, that is pow­ered by a sec­ondary pow­er source.

In addi­tion to this vibra­to­ry effect on the wire, a hotwire cur­rent (pow­ered by a sec­ondary pow­er source) is also applied to the filler met­al, pri­or to enter­ing the weld puddle. 

10 Ben­e­fits of the TOP TIG weld­ing process:

  1. Increased flu­id­i­ty of the weld pool
  2. Greater tol­er­ance to joint fit-up
  3. Sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced joint sensitivity
  4. Greater abil­i­ty to accept more wire into the weld pool, result in a high­er deposition
  5. 4 – 6 times increased trav­el times
  6. Reduced cycle time and heat input
  7. Clean­er welds with agi­tat­ed weld pool
  8. Reduced weld stress with the reduced heat input
  9. Eth­er­net Inter­face enabling full con­trol over weld­ing para­me­ters for opti­mum weld quality
  10. TOP TIG decreas­es the hexa­va­lent chrome weld fume emis­sions, mak­ing them pret­ty much unde­tectable.”

TOP TIG USA sur­veyed some of the top engi­neer­ing com­pa­nies in North Amer­i­ca to pro­vide feed­back on the val­ue of TiPTiG weld­ing. The results showed >250% increase in the aver­age wire feed length deposit­ed each minute.

Robo-TOP TIG Pack­age from ABB:

The Robo-TOP TIG Pack­age includes: a gener­ic Base TIG weld­ing pow­er source, designed so the process adapts to a vari­ety of weld­ing pow­er sources; High fre­quen­cy oscil­la­tion wire feed unit; Hot wire trans­former; Eth­er­net con­trol inter­face; Appli­ca­tion spe­cif­ic user inter­face – HMI; Robot­ic arm dress pack; Weld­ing torch and hot filler wire feed; and Soft­ware (Robot­ware Arc) for Robo-TOP TIG

Approved Alloys:

TOP TIG weld­ing can work on a wide range of alloys such as car­bon steel, stain­less steel, duplex and super duplex stain­less steels, inconel, tita­ni­um, alu­minum, cop­per, nick­el, and many others.

Con­tact Robots​.com to Learn More

A user-friend­ly robot­ic inter­face may be one of the unsung heroes of suc­cess­ful robot­ic weld­ing sys­tems. TOP TIG Weld­ing is a unique sys­tem that offers an incred­i­ble, top qual­i­ty prod­uct and the high­est depo­si­tion rates with the low­est pos­si­ble heat input values. 

As you have seen, the TOP TIG weld­ing robot­ic process address­es it by inte­grat­ing an inter­face into the cell that is easy to use and learn, some­thing that has not always been true dur­ing tra­di­tion TIG weld­ing appli­ca­tions. The TOP TIG weld­ing appli­ca­tion also brings a vari­ety of oth­er ben­e­fits to the rev­o­lu­tion­ary process, such as the afore­men­tioned high­er trav­el speeds, low­er heat inputs, and over­all, bet­ter qual­i­ty welds.

It is quick­ly becom­ing the most effec­tive robot­ic weld­ing func­tion pack­age available. 

If you are inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about a TOP TIG weld­ing sys­tem then you should call Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for ABB Robot­ics. Our staff will work with you to map out your inte­gra­tion needs and help you design, build and cus­tomize the per­fect robot­ic sys­tem to fit your appli­ca­tion, your facil­i­ty and your bud­get. Con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881, to learn more.

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