The Fanuc M-710iC Series

Nov 20, 2017

The Fanuc M-710iC robot series provides excellent performance and strength to your applicaiton needs. There is also an optional Severe Dust and Liquid Protection Option for the M-710iC series, offering the ability to use these robots in the harshest of environments. For more information on integrating one of the robots from the M-710iC series, contact experts today.


With 6‑axes of effi­cient per­for­mance and strength, the Fanuc M‑710iC robot series is one you want to con­sid­er incor­po­rat­ing onto your pro­duc­tion line. What­ev­er your needs may be, you can be sure that they will be met with a robot from the M‑710iC series. With an option­al Severe Dust and Liq­uid Pro­tec­tion option, giv­ing you the abil­i­ty to use these robots in the harsh­est of envi­ron­ments, there will be no job left behind. Here you will be able to see the wide range of mod­els in the M‑710iC series.

  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​12L is the long reach ver­sion of this ver­sa­tile robot (3,123 mm reach), designed to weld large parts. The M710iC/​12L has a high motion per­for­mance and can han­dle up to 12kg.
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​20L was also designed for long reach han­dling appli­ca­tions with a 20 kg pay­load. With a reach around 2,582 mm, this robot can pro­vide a pret­ty hefty work enve­lope with high speeds on the J4 and J6 axis.
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​20M is a com­pact, high iner­tia robot with a pay­load of 20 kg, reach of 2582 mm.
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​45M robot is a medi­um pay­load, high iner­tia robot capa­ble of han­dling up to 45kg, a 2,606mm reach, and +/-0.1mm repeatability
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​50 can work in harsh envi­ron­ments as it is coat­ed in pro­tec­tive epoxy while also being one of Fanuc’s intel­li­gent robots. It is ready to lift a 50kg pay­load and reach 2050 mm horizontally. 
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​50E has an off­set wrist” and may be the per­fect light­weight robot sys­tem for your facil­i­ty as it is ide­al for a num­ber of dif­fer­ent envi­ron­ments; the body comes with an IP54 rat­ing (option­al IP67 can be added) and the wrist and J3 axis have an IP67 rating. 
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​50H is a 5 axis high speed robot, designed for trans­fer­ring parts. The M710iC/​50H robot fea­tures a 50 kg pay­load and can be mount­ed on the floor or ceil­ing, how­ev­er, ceil­ing is preferred.
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​50S robot is the short arm vari­ant that is com­pact and able to work in nar­row envi­ron­ments. It has a 50 kg pay­load and 1360 mm reach.
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​70 is the per­fect choice for indus­tri­al appli­ca­tions with heav­ier pay­loads. It fea­tures a 70 kilo­gram max­i­mum pay­load capac­i­ty, fast axis speeds and a +/- 0.07 mil­lime­ter repeatability.

Fanuc M‑710iC Top Loader Series: The Fanuc M‑710iC/​T series com­bines the advan­tages of a lin­ear gantry with the ver­sa­til­i­ty of a Fanuc robot arm. The M710iC/​T robot­ic gantry sys­tem has a large, scale-able work enve­lope while main­tain­ing min­i­mal floor­space require­ments. Both M 710iC/​T mod­els are avail­able with stan­dard rail lengths of 7.2 to 46.2 m, but can also be cus­tom-ordered with any size rails to adapt very eas­i­ly to exist­ing plant layouts.

The M‑710iC/​T robots are engi­neered for fast speeds, reli­a­bil­i­ty, pre­ci­sion, and user-friend­ly set­up as they can set up mul­ti­ple ver­ti­cal and/​or hor­i­zon­tal machines. The robots in this series can improve machine pro­duc­tiv­i­ty by 30%! This series of robots exceeds at medi­um-heavy mate­r­i­al han­dling and machine tend­ing, but can also per­form post-pro­cess­ing oper­a­tions. This series fea­tures two mod­el options (50kg and 70kg) that are six-axes, mod­u­lar con­struc­tion, and elec­tric ser­vo-dri­ven artic­u­lat­ed gantry robot designs.

  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​50T robot is a rail-mount­ed, top loader robot that can be set-up in an under-slung or side-slung fash­ion, reduc­ing its foot­print. The M‑710iC/​50T com­bines the ben­e­fits of a gantry style robot and a 50kg max­i­mum pay­load capac­i­ty to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty in man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es and offer high­er speeds than oth­er robots in its series (the abil­i­ty to trav­el at 2.5 m/​s or 3 m/​s on rails from 7.2m to 46.2m in length).
  • The Fanuc M‑710iC/​70T is also a rail mount­ed robot in the top loader fam­i­ly that has a larg­er pay­load at 70 kg and a 1900mm reach. The rail mount enables the M‑710iC/​70T to eas­i­ly reach mul­ti­ple work-pieces while also cut­ting down on the amount of floor-space that needs to be devot­ed to the system.

If you are look­ing for any of these new or refur­bished robots from the Fanuc M‑710iC series, then you have come to the right place. Robots​.com experts work to lis­ten to your pre­cise needs and then find the per­fect solu­tion for you. They also work hard putting each used M‑710iC through an intense recon­di­tion­ing process, bring­ing it back to like-new con­di­tion. Whether you decide on a new or used M‑710iC robot, you won’t regret the inte­gra­tion to your pro­duc­tion line. Con­tact Robots​.com to start your inte­gra­tion process today; experts can be reached online or at 8777626881.

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