The Motoman DX100 Teach Pendant

Sep 20, 2013

The Motoman DX100 teach pendant offers users an energy-saving option that also is able to provide fast process speeds and quick I/O responses. Furthermore, the controller cabinet is able to be located remotely as the operator controls are located on the DX-100 pendant.


Every so often, tech­nol­o­gy has a bump that accel­er­ates the speed at which it changes. In terms for Motoman teach pen­dants, that bump was the DX100.

Unlike those that came before it, the DX100 teach pen­dant con­trols up to 8 robots (72 axes). This is dou­ble what the ear­li­er mod­el in the line­up could do, allow­ing the man­u­fac­tur­er to save mon­ey by pur­chas­ing less equip­ment to do the same task.

This ener­gy-sav­ing teach pen­dant had faster pro­cess­ing speeds than ear­li­er mod­els, advanced robot arm con­trols for smoother motion and quick­er I/O respons­es. While still retain­ing the Win­dows CE oper­at­ing sys­tem, the Motoman DX-100 had a new col­or touch screen. It also tout­ed a mul­ti-win­dow dis­play capa­bil­i­ty and a unique nav­i­ga­tion cur­sor that allowed for fur­ther ease of use by reduc­ing train­ing by 30 percent.

With the DX 100 teach pen­dant, there was also a sense of free­dom that the oper­a­tor did not have pre­vi­ous­ly. Since all the oper­a­tor con­trols are locat­ed on the DX-100 pen­dant, the con­troller cab­i­net was able to be locat­ed remotely.

The I/O soft­ware suite con­tained with­in the Motoman DX 100 teach pen­dant includes impor­tant PLC and human machine inter­face pen­dant dis­plays and an edi­tor that offers effec­tive sys­tem lev­el con­trol at the pen­dant. By elim­i­nat­ing the need for sep­a­rate PLC and HMI, the DX-100 teach pen­dant is sig­nif­i­cant­ly high­er on the scale than the mod­els that came before it.

For more infor­ma­tion on the Motoman DX100 con­troller, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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