Welding Robots Improve Automotive Parts

Mar 22, 2012

It is imperative that automotive parts receive the utmost consistency and precision when being made on the production line. Welding robots are able to offer both of those things and more; they have been able to increase the safety, efficiency, and cost effectiveness of a automotive part production line.


In today’s tech­nol­o­gy dri­ven world, robots are play­ing a major role in man­u­fac­tur­ing with about half of those being used for weld­ing appli­ca­tions. Many of those weld­ing robots are being used in the auto­mo­tive indus­try. Over the past 30 years auto­mo­tive weld­ing robots have been busy chang­ing the indus­try. They have made auto­mo­tive assem­bly lines faster while being safer, cost effec­tive, and effi­cient. These are the main rea­sons why auto­mo­tive robots have become para­mount in chang­ing the car industry.


Auto­mo­tive robots have made fac­to­ries safer because they elim­i­nate the chance of human errors caus­ing acci­dents. An auto­mo­tive robot can also work in dan­ger­ous con­di­tions as they can with­stand heat, chem­i­cals, and can come into con­tact with struc­tures and parts. Being able to per­form dan­ger­ous jobs has helped pro­tect not only work­ers but also future con­sumers because robots can per­form crash tests that eval­u­ate the safe­ty of the vehi­cles being man­u­fac­tured. Crash tests along with many oth­er jobs in the auto­mo­tive indus­try would be too risky for humans to complete.

Cost Effec­tive

Many auto­mo­bile man­u­fac­tur­ers have been able to save mil­lions of dol­lars by dou­bling or tripling their pro­duc­tion time with auto­mo­tive robots. Robots are capa­ble of work­ing 24 hours a day because they do not require breaks, sick days, etc. Many com­pa­nies are also sav­ing mon­ey with auto­mo­tive weld­ing robots because they do not need a salary or ben­e­fits. These fac­tors out weigh the costs of occa­sion­al main­te­nance and repairs mak­ing robots the cheap­er option com­pared to humans.

Job Effi­cien­cy

Anoth­er way auto­mo­tive robots have changed the indus­try is by meet­ing indus­try expec­ta­tions. Robots used in the auto indus­try can com­plete not just one task but a vari­ety of tasks such as paint­ing, weld­ing, fin­ish­ing, and many more. They are capa­ble of being pro­grammed to per­form intri­cate jobs like weld­ing. New indus­try stan­dards call for lighter cars, but with this comes the need for tighter weld­ing. This can only be accom­plished through robots to ensure there is no rat­tling (anoth­er indus­try stan­dard) and that the vehi­cle is safe. Robot­ic weld­ing is key in pro­duc­ing new, advanced, and high qual­i­ty cars. As indus­try repeata­bil­i­ty spec­i­fi­ca­tions become more pre­cise, robots are meet­ing them at faster speeds mak­ing them more effi­cient than humans.

The top robot mod­els used by auto­mo­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers include the Motoman UP130, UP6, and UP20. Oth­er pop­u­lar indus­try robots come from the Fanuc R‑2000 series and the ARC Mate series. Robots​.com is proud to car­ry all of these units. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact us online or at 8777626881.

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