Compact Motoman Robotic Welding Systems

Nov 16, 2010

The Motoman robotics has created a few compact welding systems that provide a wide range of advantages when integrated onto your production line. The three extremely compact robotic welding systems are the ArcWorld II-50, ArcWorld C-50, and Arcworld IV-6200SL. Each one will bring increased productivity and eliminated wasted workcell space, saving you costs on the production floor.


When you reduce the amount of space a robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem takes up, you reduce the amount of ener­gy it uses. Square footage rep­re­sents dol­lars because floor space has to be lit, heat­ed, and cooled. In addi­tion, the larg­er the com­po­nents are in a cell the more ener­gy they are like­ly to con­sume — a larg­er robot takes more pow­er to manip­u­late than a lithe one).

With this in mind, Yaskawa Motoman Robot­ics has cre­at­ed three extreme­ly com­pact robot­ic weld­ing sys­tems: the Arc­World II-50, Arc­World C‑50, and Arc­world IV-6200SL.

These slim, stream­lined work­cells offer top-qual­i­ty, cost-effec­tive weld­ing solu­tions while main­tain­ing a con­densed foot­print. Some of the ways Motoman has achieved its goals include stream­lin­ing robot arms, elim­i­nat­ing wast­ed work­cell space, and uti­liz­ing new, space-sav­ing com­po­nents. Let’s take a clos­er look.

Arc­World II-50 and Arc­world C‑50
The foot­prints of these snug lit­tle robot cells have been reduced by 22%! Yaskawa Motoman’s space-sav­ing secret is the con­troller place­ment. By build­ing the con­troller tight­ly into the sys­tem, the over­all foot­print shrunk con­sid­er­ably. The Arc­Worldl II-50 and C‑50 can be out­fit­ted with either the MA1400 or the 7‑axis VA1400 robot mod­els. Both the Mas­ter Arc and Ver­sa­tile Arc series fea­ture no-fuss, inter­nal­ly rout­ed cabling and advanced axis motors. They offer a slim, light­weight arm design that takes less ener­gy to move. Plus, these slim arms are built strong — pay­load capac­i­ty remains undi­min­ished.

Arc­World IV-6200SL
The newest space-sav­ing option from Motoman is the Arc­World IV-62000SL Slim­Line” work­cell. This dual-robot is 33% slim­mer more tra­di­tion­al arc weld­ing systems.Motoman accom­plished this by using spe­cial­ly designed posi­tion­ers. The slim­line” trun­nion posi­tion­ers (the MRM2-250XSL and MRM2-750M3XSL) fit neat­ly into the cell with only one meter of room to spare. Main­te­nance is tak­en care of from the front of the posi­tion­er, allow­ing the work­cell to be built even slim­mer.

Com­pact Motoman Cell from Robots​.com
Look­ing for more com­pact options? Robots​.com offers a num­ber of pre-engi­neered and cus­tom work­cell options fea­tur­ing Motoman robots. These robot­ic weld­ing sys­tems can be tai­lored to fit spe­cif­ic part, appli­ca­tion, and oth­er cri­te­ria. In fact, these cus­tomized work­cells often pro­vide the most cost-effec­tive option.

Inter­est­ed in con­serv­ing space, cost, and time with a Motoman robot­ic weld­ing sys­tem? Con­tact the experts at Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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