Fanuc Food Grade Robots Meet Standards

Aug 16, 2010

Food production requires cleanliness, precision, and flexibility so it is no surprise that food robots help to bring food manufacturers great success. Fanuc food grade robots such as the M-430iA/2F, M-420iA Food Robot, LR Mate 200iC/5F, and LR Mate 200iC/5WPFood robots help to bring flexibility, precision, and improved performance. These robots are impervious to rust and moisture, keeping contaminants clear of the food line.


Food pro­duc­tion can be messy. That’s why every inch of Fanucs food robots are engi­neered with care. Find out how Fanuc meets the unique and unusu­al­ly strin­gent require­ments of the food industry.

Fanuc’s food grade robots include the M‑430iA/​2F, M‑420iA Food Robot, LR Mate 200iC/​5F, and LR Mate 200iC/​5WPFood Robots. Each one is fast, flex­i­ble, and pre­ci­sion-dri­ven. But food grade robot design is con­cerned with much more than performance.

Pri­ma­ry Mate­r­i­al Handling

Food robots are espe­cial­ly impor­tant for pri­ma­ry mate­r­i­al han­dling jobs, involv­ing direct con­tact with unpack­aged food. When it comes to pick­ing and pack­ing food, strin­gent guide­lines must be fol­lowed.

Food robots must be imper­vi­ous to rust and mois­ture. They must also be con­struct­ed so as not to con­tribute any con­t­a­m­i­nants. Spe­cial paint and sealants are used to pro­tect the body of the robot. The paint used on Fanuc food grade robots is USDA-cer­ti­fi­able.

Fanuc’s food grade robots are safe­guard­ed with elec­tro­less nick­el plat­ing, alu­minum cast­ed motor cov­ers, stain­less steel plate cov­er­ings, Teflon gas­kets, and flu­o­rine rub­ber oil seals. These fea­tures pro­tect inner com­po­nents and guard against rust. Food-grade grease is used inside the robot to fur­ther pre­vent any pos­si­ble food contamination.

Clean­able Machines

In addi­tion to being food safe, these robots must also be able to with­stand tough chem­i­cal clean­ings and spray downs. Chlo­rine and Qua­ter­nary Ammo­nia-based san­i­tiz­ers are com­mon clean­ing meth­ods in this indus­try.

Food robots have extreme­ly high safe­ty rat­ings. The M‑420iA is rat­ed IP65, while the remain­ing food robots car­ry a high­er IP67 rat­ing. When han­dling meat, for exam­ple, IP67 rat­ings are required.

Inter­est­ed in a Fanuc food grade robot? Call Robots​.com: 8777626881 or con­tact experts online.

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