Fanuc Robots Trim the Tree at Neiman Marcus

Dec 18, 2007

Fanuc robots haven't met a job they can't handle. This is seen with the tree-trimming that they conducted at Neiman Marcus. Three Fanuc robots were programmed to select round ornaments from two feeder trees and then thread them onto the branches of the main tree. T


Who knew pick and place appli­ca­tions could be so fes­tive, so hip? This hol­i­day sea­son, a fam­i­ly of indus­tri­al robots is the main attrac­tion at Neiman Mar­cus’ store in Dal­las, Texas.

Neiman Mar­cus always wows shop­pers with dar­ing Christ­mas win­dow dis­plays — trees made out of 1950’s car fins, mon­ey, or water. This year is no excep­tion. The glitzy dis­play fea­tures three indus­tri­al robots trim­ming a 15 ft. alu­minum tree.

Design­er Ignak Gorischeck, Vice Pres­i­dent of Store Devel­op­ment at Neiman Mar­cus, chose indus­tri­al robots to give the dis­play a futur­is­tic feel. Fanuc Robot­ics Amer­i­ca Inc. pro­vid­ed robots, soft­ware, and sup­port. Texas Man­u­fac­tur­ing Assis­tance Cen­ter inte­grat­ed the project.

Tree-trim­ming is well-suit­ed for indus­tri­al robots. The three Fanuc robots — Mom, Dad, and Jr. — are pro­grammed to select round orna­ments from two feed­er trees and thread them onto the thin stick branch­es of the larg­er, main tree. All three metal­lic trees rotate, adding even more com­plex­i­ty to the application.

The com­pa­ny cel­e­brat­ed its cen­ten­ni­al anniver­sary this year, and the win­dow dis­play, enti­tled The Next 100 Years,” is a look into the future. Dur­ing the dis­play’s unveil­ing cer­e­mo­ny, San­ta arrived by jet-pack.

For more infor­ma­tion on Fanuc robots, con­tact Robots​.com experts at 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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