How to Avoid Hidden Costs When Purchasing an Industrial Robot

Mar 30, 2017 takes pride in their customer service and ability to offer low cost robot units that are quality products. It is important to choose a robot supplier that you trust, such as who details everything in the quote including the technical support and a full warranty. Furthermore, it is important to help calculate an ROI correct with an expert robot specialist such as those at The experts at will guide you through the process and help you find the most cost-effective solution for your specific business.


Hid­den costs can turn a sweet deal sour very quick­ly. When you buy a robot, steer clear of these com­mon pit­falls and you will end up with more mon­ey in your pock­et and a bet­ter robot for the job.

Choose a Robot Sup­pli­er Wisely 

When you pur­chase a robot from an auc­tion or pri­vate own­er there are often addi­tion­al, unfore­seen charges.

How do you avoid all these extras that con­tribute to your end cost? Find a sup­pli­er you can trust that offers ful­ly refur­bished robot sys­tems. Robots​.com remains upfront about prices. We detail every­thing in your quote and include tech­ni­cal sup­port and a full warranty.

Get a Robot Consultation

Why pur­chase a robot blind­ly? You can avoid cost­ly mis­takes by con­sult­ing a robot pro­fes­sion­al through­out the deci­sion-mak­ing process. Experts will make sure you are cal­cu­lat­ing your ROI cor­rect­ly and help you deter­mine which type of robot offers the best solu­tion for your appli­ca­tion.

Robots​.com’ robot spe­cial­ists offer advice and guid­ance to our cus­tomers. We will help you find the most cost-effec­tive, suit­able solu­tion for your business.

Don’t Over­look Refurbishment

Pur­chas­ing ful­ly refur­bished robots pays off. Has your refur­bished robot been test­ed, cleaned, and repaint­ed? If not, you may be set­ting your­self up for dis­as­ter. The robots avail­able from auc­tions and pri­vate own­ers are often on the verge of break­down, poor­ly repaired, or dam­aged.

Robots​.com has a thor­ough recon­di­tion­ing process that we do in-house. Each robot pass­es through a deep clean, inspec­tion on all parts, ensure func­tion­al­i­ty and per­for­mance, look for any stress cracks or abnor­mal­i­ties and is fresh­ly paint­ed before it goes on the market. 

Ask About Warranties

The best way to make sure you get your mon­ey’s worth out of an indus­tri­al robot is with a war­ran­ty. This ensures a con­nec­tion with the sell­er that lasts longer than the date of sale. Still, war­ranties are rare, espe­cial­ly when it comes to refur­bished robot sys­tems.

Robots​.com offers full war­ranties based on the cus­tomers requirements. 

Nev­er Under­es­ti­mate Tech­ni­cal Support

Robot main­te­nance needs and repairs can be con­fus­ing and expen­sive — not to men­tion the neg­a­tive effect a downed robot has on pro­duc­tion lines. This is yet anoth­er rea­son to choose your robot sup­pli­er with care — seek out tech­ni­cal sup­port.

Unlike robots from auc­tions or pri­vate sell­ers, Robots​.com is com­mit­ted to sup­port­ing our cus­tomers through­out their robot sys­tem’s life. We offer free phone sup­port for the life­time of the robot. Robots​.com’ skilled staff is avail­able, should you need any on-site robot ser­vic­ing. We also offer a wide array of replace­ment parts.

We hope this helps guide you to the right type of robot sup­pli­er. Our team works hard to sat­is­fy our cus­tomers and pro­tect them from mak­ing mis­takes that will great­ly affect them lat­er down the road. If you have ques­tions about the pur­chase process or any­thing else to do with robot­ics, con­tact Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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