How To: Install An Industrial Robot

May 8, 2011

There are a variety of things to do to prepare for your robotic integration process. has outlined some of the most important items to do on the production line. ​There are also videos available that are designed to help provide information to robotics newbies and experts alike.

Your shiny new indus­tri­al robot arrives at your facil­i­ty. Now what? As with many oth­er tasks, it’s impor­tant to have a check­list to fol­low when installing an indus­tri­al robot. We are hap­py to pro­vide a step-by-step list of what to do first, sec­ond, third, what to remem­ber, what to watch out for, and more.

How to Install Your Indus­tri­al Robot” is the first in a series of prac­ti­cal appli­ca­tion videos designed to pro­vide help­ful infor­ma­tion for robot­ics new­bies and experts alike.

Here’s a pre­view of some of the top­ics cov­ered in the video:

1. Remove pro­tec­tive plas­tic from robot: This step may seem self-appar­ent, but first things first.

2. Inspect for dam­ages and miss­ing parts: This step is very impor­tant. Indus­tri­al robots, con­trollers, etc., can be dam­aged in tran­sit. This is also the best time to dou­ble check that every sin­gle com­po­nent you pur­chased has arrived.

3. Move the robot to des­ig­nat­ed instal­la­tion area: Skid­ded indus­tri­al robots are eas­i­ly moved with a fork­lift. Care­ful­ly posi­tion your robot in its des­ig­nat­ed spot in your facil­i­ty. Make sure (if you haven’t pri­or to pur­chas­ing the robot) that the instal­la­tion space can with­stand the robot­’s mass even when the robot is in motion.

4. Bolt the robot in place: Secure the robot base using the appro­pri­ate hardware.

5. Con­nect cables and periph­er­als: Now you are ready to hook up all cabling, wire har­ness­es, safe­ty periph­er­als, tool­ing, etc.

6. Test the robot­’s move­ment and cycle: At this final instal­la­tion stage, test each and every com­po­nent pri­or to putting the robot into com­mis­sion. Check oper­a­tor sta­tion con­trols (E‑Stop, Start, etc.), safe­ty periph­er­als such as light cur­tains, con­nec­tions, tool­ing func­tion­al­i­ty, etc. If any abnor­mal alarms are sound­ing, resolve them by con­sult­ing the robot man­u­al or call­ing your integrator.

For fur­ther infor­ma­tion about installing an indus­tri­al robot prop­er­ly, call Robots​.com’ sales depart­ment at 8777626881 or reach them online.

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