I-Cubed Industry Innovators, Inc. Team up with Motoman to Enhance the North American Waterjet Market

Jun 26, 2017

I-cubed provides industrial automation tools for robotic machinery and waterjet equipment. ​​​Waterjet robots can help improve the product quality and reduce waste on the production line, saving a company money and time. Also, they do not require the use of chemical solvents while also being heat, dust, and smoke-free. These sysems can be used to cut, drill, and clean different materials with a high pressure stream or jet of water. The waterjet robots can also cycle the water in a loop, ultimately leading to less wasted product. T

To fur­ther enhance the North Amer­i­can Water­Jet mar­ket, I‑Cubed Indus­try Inno­va­tors Inc. and Yaskawa Motoman Amer­i­ca, Inc. have teamed up and signed a Robot Sup­ply Agree­ment (accord­ing to www​.icubed​.biz).

I‑Cubed Indus­try Inno­va­tors Inc. was estab­lished in 2008 as a high tech machin­ery man­u­fac­tur­er, oper­at­ing from Stoney Creek, Ontario in Cana­da. It is an employ­ee owned cor­po­ra­tion that believes in the strength of its peo­ple and empow­ers them with high qual­i­ty train­ing and cre­at­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties to solve new chal­lenges. Their team thrives on these chal­lenges and uses their knowl­edge base to solve prob­lems pro­vid­ed by cus­tomers to devel­op new sys­tems for inno­v­a­tive indus­tri­al automa­tion. I‑Cubed pro­vides indus­tri­al automa­tion tools cen­tered on cus­tom designed robot­ic machin­ery and water­jet equip­ment. They share facil­i­ties with South­port Ther­mal Com­po­nents Inc., oth­er experts in the use of water­jet technology.The Robot Sup­ply Agree­ment will enable I‑Cubed to sell robot­ic water­jet cells to new and exist­ing Motoman cus­tomers. It will also help to pro­vide main­te­nance and retro­fit ser­vices to Yaskawa Motoman’s exist­ing installed base for Cana­da, USA, and Mex­i­co with­in the auto­mo­tive indus­try (1).

Water­jet robots can help improve the over­all qual­i­ty of a prod­uct and min­i­mize waste. Fur­ther­more, they do not use any chem­i­cal sol­vents and are heat, dust, and smoke-free. Water­jet sys­tems can be used to cut, drill, and clean dif­fer­ent mate­ri­als; they use an EOAT to direct the high pres­sure stream or jet of water. These sys­tems can run the water in a loop, con­tin­u­ous­ly recy­cling it, ulti­mate­ly lead­ing to less wast­ed product.

Over the years, I‑Cubed has inte­grat­ed count­less water­jet robot­ic solu­tions using Motoman tech­nol­o­gy. Their extreme­ly high tal­ent base and long his­to­ry of water­jet sys­tem inte­gra­tion makes this part­ner­ship excit­ing and strong from the start.

I‑Cubed feels con­fi­dent that their years of pro­fes­sion­al expe­ri­ence with water­jet and oth­er cut­ting appli­ca­tions will be the per­fect match to enhance cus­tomer ser­vice for this mar­ket. Their con­tin­u­al com­mit­ment to cre­ate and pro­mote high tech solu­tions for the mar­ket­place, while also increas­ing their cus­tomer base, will bring these busi­ness­es to new heights. Yaskawa Motoman and I‑Cubed have mutu­al respect and integri­ty for all areas of their busi­ness­es. Both com­pa­nies bring the per­fect lev­els of tech­ni­cal exper­tise and appli­ca­tion knowl­edge to per­form nec­es­sary goals for large programs.

They know that this part­ner­ship will only con­tin­ue to grow as the years and cus­tomers con­tin­ue to come and go. Both com­pa­nies desire to con­tin­ue learn­ing and inno­vat­ing their abil­i­ties, bring­ing new ideas to the auto­mo­tive indus­tries. Motoman is proud to con­tin­u­al­ly expand their rela­tion­ship in the auto­mo­tive marketplace.

If you have any ques­tions or just want to learn more about indus­tri­al automa­tion, con­tact Robots​.com experts online, or at 8777626881.

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