Is Your Robot Happy and Healthy?

Sep 29, 2009

It is important to provide your robot with preventative maintenance to keep it up and running past its service life. It is good practice to routinely clean the robot, to check for any wearing on cabling, to check for any alarm codes, to inspect the inside of the controller cabinet, and also run an intense inspection every three years. For more advice on maintaining your robot, contact the engineers at today.


Keep­ing your robot in a good mood is eas­i­er than you’d think. A lit­tle TLC goes a long way. Fol­low these robot­ic main­te­nance tips and your robot will enjoy a long, stress-free life.

Good Hygiene:

Does your robot need a show­er? Whether it’s weld­ing spat­ter, dirt and/​or dust, mate­r­i­al can accu­mu­late on the exte­ri­or of the manip­u­la­tor, con­troller, and teach pen­dant. It’s a good prac­tice to rou­tine­ly clean the out­side of your robot, espe­cial­ly if it is work­ing in a messy envi­ron­ment. Make sure mate­r­i­al does­n’t build up and inter­fere with functionality.

Peri­od­ic, thor­ough inspec­tions of the robot­’s exte­ri­or will allow you to pre­vent future prob­lems. Check all cabling for wear­ing or rip­ping. Make sure all con­nec­tions are intact.

Strong Joints:

Is your robot expe­ri­enc­ing joint pain? While inspect­ing your robot, pay close atten­tion to the axes. If your robot has plan­e­tary gear reduc­tion units, the grease should be replaced year­ly. Grease replen­ish­ment will keep the robot lim­ber — dra­mat­i­cal­ly impact­ing accu­ra­cy, repeata­bil­i­ty and over­all productivity.

Stress Test:

You don’t need a tread­mill to run your robot through its paces. Make sure to check for any alarm codes. Dou­ble check that the robot­’s home posi­tion is cal­i­brat­ed cor­rect­ly and it func­tions flaw­less­ly through­out its entire range of movement.

Men­tal Health: 

Take care of your robot­’s brain. It’s impor­tant to peri­od­i­cal­ly inspect the inside of the con­troller cab­i­net, mak­ing sure all the wiring and con­nec­tions are intact. On the robot itself, the inter­nal health of cer­tain com­po­nents (arm bat­tery, tim­ing belts, ser­vo cool­ing fans etc.) must be checked annually.

Fre­quent Check-ups:

In addi­tion to year­ly exam­i­na­tions, most indus­tri­al robots require an intense inspec­tion every three years. Check your robot man­u­al for spe­cif­ic checklists. 

Look­ing for more infor­ma­tion about robot­ic main­te­nance? Con­tact Robots​.com experts online or at 8777626881.

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