Kuka Robot Writes Bible in 15th Century Font

Nov 1, 2007

Robotlab, created by a group of German artists, have successfully programmed a KUKA robot to write the entire bible. This experiment was titled The Bios and proves how dexterous a KUKA robot can be. For more information on KUKA robots, contact the experts at Robots.com today. understanding of real-life robots.


A group of Ger­man artists called Robot­lab have pro­grammed a KUKA robot to write the entire Bible. The Bios [Bible] project demon­strates the dex­ter­i­ty and pre­ci­sion of today’s indus­tri­al robots.

Using a pen for EOAT, this robot scribe is writ­ing in a cal­lig­ra­phy ver­sion of a 15th cen­tu­ry Ger­man font known as Schwabach­er. The result is a Mar­tin Luther-peri­od Bible with both Old and New Tes­ta­ments — writ­ten on a long scroll of paper.

The three artists that make up Robot­lab believe in exhibits with robots that do the unex­pect­ed. We try to cre­ate an exper­i­men­tal forum in which the pub­lic has the oppor­tu­ni­ty to inter­act with robots,” the Robot­lab web­site said. While there are near­ly a mil­lion robots in the world, peo­ple rarely have any first­hand expe­ri­ence with them. Robot­lab wants to make it pos­si­ble for peo­ple to have a deep­er under­stand­ing of real-life robots.

This isn’t Robot­lab’s first project using indus­tri­al robots. The Bible-writ­ing robot has friends. Oth­er KUKA robots have been used by Robot­lab to draw por­traits and pro­files of indi­vid­ual peo­ple — using video cam­era tech­nol­o­gy to cap­ture data. The Empathiz­er” robot project includ­ed robots that moved in response to imput­ed brain volt­ages — cre­at­ing a unique con­nec­tion between human and robot.

The Well-tem­pered Robot” was an exhib­it in 2005 where a robot became a musi­cal instru­ment — gen­er­at­ing sounds with every move­ment. Vis­i­tors con­trolled the musi­cal robot with an inter­face. Oth­er per­for­mances have includ­ed KUKA KR15/2 robots that dance and DJ robots that pro­duce new sounds from vinyl records.

Robot­lab’s ini­tial exhib­it in 2000 was enti­tled Aes­thet­ics and Pow­er.” For this project, the artists placed a mov­ing KUKA KR 125 in the foy­er of the Cen­ter of Art and Media Karlsruhe. 

For more Robot­lab project infor­ma­tion, go to www​.robot​lab​.de. For more infor­ma­tion about Robots​.com, Con­tact rep­re­sen­ta­tives online or at 8777626881.

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