Motoman Software Spotlight: RobotPro NX

Jun 25, 2008

RobotPro NX by Motoman helps to decrease downtime, confusion, and headaches on the production line. RobotPro NX is a PC-based software system designed to help troubleshoot, maintain, and repair systems on the production line. The programs can be customized to fit different robotic models, meeting your exact needs and increasing overall productivity.


Tired of wast­ing time deci­pher­ing error codes or fig­ur­ing out how a cer­tain robot part works? Motoman puts a stop to the down­time, con­fu­sion, and headaches with Robot­Pro NX.

Robot­Pro NX is a PC-based soft­ware sys­tem designed to put a wealth of knowl­edge at your fin­ger­tips. Bro­ken into three dif­fer­ent parts — Trou­bleshoot­ing, Main­te­nance, and Repair Pro­ce­dures — Robot­Pro NX is avail­able togeth­er or sep­a­rate­ly. The pro­grams can be cus­tomized to fit dif­fer­ent robot mod­els as well.

Motoman has made the Robot­Pro NX incred­i­bly user-friend­ly with graph­ics, an easy-to-use inter­face, dia­grams, part lists, and step-by-step guide­lines. With a lap­top and Robot­Pro NX is even portable!

1. Trou­bleshoot­ing: When error codes pop up or alarms sound, know how to take action with the Robot­Pro NX trou­bleshoot­ing soft­ware. Motoman leads you through ques­tion and answer ses­sions designed to pin­point the prob­lem quick­ly. Then, the soft­ware will give spe­cif­ic direc­tions on how to fix the problem.

2. Main­te­nance: Fol­low main­te­nance lists, keep records, and much more with this help­ful soft­ware. Whether you need to know what to look for when inspect­ing dif­fer­ent parts, want to find out just how often to re-grease your robot axes, or sim­ply want to keep to a sched­ule, this is your answer.

3. Pro­ce­dures: Need some instruc­tion on replac­ing a motor, dri­ve, ser­vo pack? Need to reset an encoder? Han­dle the sit­u­a­tion effec­tive­ly with Robot­Pro NX’s dia­grams, links to pho­tos and exten­sive parts lists.

Con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881 when you’re look­ing for main­te­nance, trou­bleshoot­ing, or repair pro­ce­dure soft­ware for Motoman, Fanuc, KUKA, Uni­ver­sal Robots, or ABB.

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