New Robotics Quick Tip Videos

Jan 10, 2011 has a wide range of videos available to customers that offer quick tips for the industrial robots on their line. Each subject is broken down into easily digestible steps and serves as a helpful resource for customers. Contact experts today for any other questions you may have.

No one ever said learn­ing how to prop­er­ly ship your indus­tri­al robot could­n’t be fun.

Robots​.com just start­ed a new robot video series called Quick Tips designed to liv­en things up. Quick Tip videos pro­vide robot facts and guide­lines in a visu­al­ly inter­est­ing and con­cise man­ner. Every sub­ject is bro­ken down into eas­i­ly digestible steps and/​or tips. It is our hope that Quick Tip videos will serve as help­ful resources for our customers.Created by Robots​.com Mul­ti­me­dia Design­er, Cody Rogers, Quick Tip videos fea­ture short pre­sen­ta­tions from a num­ber of dif­fer­ent staff mem­bers on top­ics rang­ing from sell­ing old robots to main­tain­ing manip­u­la­tors. Quick Tip videos are easy to find on our web­site. Anoth­er way to stay informed about new Quick Tip video addi­tions is by sub­scrib­ing to the Robots​.com YouTube chan­nel. Watch two out of the many quick tip videos we have cre­at­ed to help ease your inte­gra­tion process!

Quick Tip: How to Use the Dead­man Switch

Quick Tip: Buy­ing a Robot

Ques­tions? Quick Tip video sug­ges­tions? Call Robots​.com at 8777626881 or con­tact rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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