The Nuts and Bolts of Robotic Installation

Jan 30, 2008

The workcells from can be turnkey or customized based on your specific automation needs. The experts at creates the systems to provide a seamless installation process, providing proper telephone or on-site technical support. The robot system you order from will arrive at your facility neatly crated, wrapped in plastic, and ready to install.


Robots​.com designs robot sys­tems and helps to pre­pare their cus­tomers for a seam­less instal­la­tion. We final­ize the process with tele­phone or on-site tech­ni­cal sup­port. When your robot sys­tem arrives at your facil­i­ty neat­ly crat­ed and wrapped in plas­tic, it’s time for the final inte­gra­tion step: robot installation. 

The ver­sa­til­i­ty of instal­la­tion for artic­u­lat­ed robots is one of the main ben­e­fits. Many mod­els are built to accom­mo­date more than one mount­ing option, such as floor, wall, ceil­ing, or table­top. Robots​.com helps each cus­tomer deter­mine the right robot, not only for cer­tain appli­ca­tions, but for spe­cif­ic spaces. A typ­i­cal artic­u­lat­ed robot base is com­pact, which adds to its adapt­abil­i­ty. A sin­gle robot arm instal­la­tion sim­ply requires sit­u­at­ing and fas­ten­ing the robot in place and con­nect­ing the pow­er cables.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Robots​.com’ turnkey robot work­cells are built for quick and easy instal­la­tion. These work­cells are all-inclu­sive, pre-engi­neered robot pack­ages. Periph­er­als, pro­gram­ming, EOAT, and fixed tool­ing are built into the final pack­age. Turnkey robot sys­tems are not only easy to assem­ble, but they can have the poten­tial to reach full pro­duc­tion in less than a day.

Inter­fac­ing robot sys­tems often cre­ate instal­la­tion chal­lenges. Con­nect­ing two exist­ing sys­tems or care­ful­ly ori­ent­ing a robot to work with exist­ing con­vey­or belts takes pro­fes­sion­al exper­tise. For addi­tion­al cost, Robots​.com can send one of our knowl­edge­able robot tech­ni­cians to make this instal­la­tion process go smooth­ly.

Do you have more ques­tions about robot­ic instal­la­tion? Con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881 for more information. 

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