Fanuc R-30iA Controller

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Fanuc Robot
Fanuc Robot Controllers

The Fanuc R‑30iA sys­tem con­troller is advanced tech­nol­o­gy in a proven, reli­able design. To help improve appli­ca­tion and motion per­for­mance, Fanuc added process capa­bil­i­ty and open archi­tec­ture fea­tures that pro­vide fur­ther intel­li­gence while also sim­pli­fy­ing sys­tem inte­gra­tion. Addi­tion­al­ly, the plug-in options” con­cept is incor­po­rat­ed, adding flex­i­bil­i­ty when appli­ca­tion spe­cif­ic con­fig­u­ra­tions are required. This also reduces the accel­er­a­tion and decel­er­a­tion time for the robot, lead­ing to a reduced cycle time.

New offer­ings from this con­troller include enhanced vibra­tion con­trol and an inte­grat­ed 2D vision sys­tem that is eas­i­ly upgrad­ed to a 3D vision sys­tem. The vibra­tion con­trol helps to great­ly reduce the robot’s accel­er­a­tion and decel­er­a­tion times, lead­ing to reduced cycle times. The Fanuc R 30iA con­troller also offers the sim­ple down­load and upload of robot pro­grams to a serv­er, while also offer­ing extend­ed axes con­trol of up to 40 axes.

The effi­cient cool­ing sys­tem of the Fanuc R‑30iA fea­tures a sep­a­rat­ed air cir­cuit and cool­ing by exter­nal air for max­i­mum effi­cien­cy. Rear to rear air flow saves floor space and allows many con­trollers to be placed side by side. Oth­er reli­a­bil­i­ty fea­tures include the elim­i­na­tion of dust enter­ing the con­troller through the cool­ing sys­tem and fans on the con­troller door and rack to ensure opti­mum cool­ing of all components.

The R‑30iA runs with the Fanuc oper­at­ing sys­tem which helps increase the ease of use, main­tain a virus-free envi­ron­ment, keep a high data secu­ri­ty in case of pow­er loss, and give a quick start-up of basic soft­ware. There are a wide range of pro­gram­ming pos­si­bil­i­tyes, such as TPE (Teach pen­dant edi­tor- which is the stan­dard way of pro­gram­ming), Advanced offline pro­gram­ming options such as ROBOGU­IDE, Inte­grat­ed PMC (option­al), and KAREL (option­al).

The R‑30iA iPen­dant is an intel­li­gent teach pen­dant and is avail­able as stan­dard (except for Paint­Tool), with a touch screen avail­able as an addi­tion­al option. As you can see, this con­troller pret­ty much offers any­thing you could ever need. Get start­ed with yours today! 

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086