ABB IRB 5350-7/1.35

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The IRB 5350 door open­er robot is a com­pact and pre­cise robot assis­tant for auto­mo­tive inte­ri­or paint­ing, both for stop-and-go and mov­ing-line solu­tions. A spe­cial­ly designed door open­er tool with inte­grat­ed sen­sors for search and force feed­back makes this an effi­cient and impor­tant part of the inte­ri­or paint zone.

Opti­mized design for var­i­ous applications

The IRB 5350 robot pro­vides two options for dif­fer­ent inte­ri­or paint­ing solu­tions: the three axes stop-and-go ver­sion and the four axes mov­ing-line ver­sion. This capa­ble and effi­cient inte­ri­or paint­ing solu­tion can sup­port booth width from 4.5 to 6 meters, booth length from 3 to 10 meters and con­vey­or speeds rang­ing from 5 to 10 m/​min.

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1216 Heil Quaker Blvd
La Vergne, TN 37086