Fanuc R-2000iB/185L
When you’re lookÂing for a heavy lifter, the R‑2000iB/​185L from Fanuc is the way to go. The heavy-duty powÂer of the R2000iB/​185L is able to hanÂdle a vast array of high payÂload appliÂcaÂtions. With a large work enveÂlope and an extendÂed reach, this proÂducÂtive robot is able to proÂvide manÂuÂfacÂturÂers with the flexÂiÂbilÂiÂty they require to stay on top of the proÂducÂtion game in their market.
The R‑2000iB/​185L has an R‑30iB conÂtroller, one of Fanuc’s newest conÂtrollers that is stackÂable and equipped with the iPenÂdant Touch for furÂther improved interÂface. The R‑30iB improves on enerÂgy savÂings over preÂviÂous Fanuc conÂtroller modÂels, which saves manÂuÂfacÂturÂers monÂey on enerÂgy costs, and it is also able to fit under existÂing strucÂtures, like conÂveyÂors or robot shelvÂing, to conÂserve floor space in a shop.
AnothÂer feaÂture that adds to the verÂsaÂtilÂiÂty of the R 2000iB/​185 L is the modÂuÂlar cabling units. These units are designed to be easy to replace and upgrade, which helps improve feaÂtures like serÂvo gripÂping and visuÂal conÂtrol. Along with this feaÂture, Fanuc offers a variÂety of accesÂsories and feaÂtures for the R2000iB/​185L. iRViÂsion funcÂtions are getÂting betÂter and betÂter as the years go on, and with Force ConÂtrol, proÂgramÂmers can easÂiÂly set the robot to a speÂcifÂic path durÂing its operation.
If you’re lookÂing for a heavy-duty lifter, the R‑2000iB/​185L from Fanuc is a great choice.
Motion Speed
Motion Range
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