TTE: Tennessee Tool and Engineering

When precision counts, customers choose us. See why so many have made Tennessee Tool and Engineering their choice for manufacturing needs.


Advanced Man­u­fac­tur­ing And Engi­neer­ing Prac­tices To Solve Com­plex Problems

An Indus­try Leader In Machine Automa­tion, Cast­ing, Machin­ing, And Assem­bly. Here In Our Facil­i­ty In Oak Ridge, Ten­nessee, We Fab­ri­cate, Build, And Auto­mate Spe­cial Equip­ment For A Wide Vari­ety Of Industries.

Locat­ed in Oak Ridge, Ten­nessee, TTE spans 3 state of the art com­plex­es, employs over 150 ded­i­cat­ed pro­fes­sion­als, and serves an impres­sive array of busi­ness­es. With a focus on research and devel­op­ment, cut­ting edge tech­nolo­gies, and tar­get­ed on-time deliv­ery, TTE’s mod­el of inte­gra­tion and per­for­mance gives cus­tomers a pow­er­ful ally in today’s industry.

TTE con­sists of 3 orga­ni­za­tions that func­tion both as a unit, and inde­pen­dent­ly of one anoth­er depend­ing on the job at hand. These are TTE Machin­ing & Automa­tion, TTE Pro­duc­tion Machin­ing & Assem­bly, and TTE Cast­ing Tech­nolo­gies, Incorporated.

Ten­nessee Tool and Engineering’s Machin­ing & Automa­tion divi­sion pro­vides one-off job shop prod­ucts up to medi­um size batch quan­ti­ties. Here we fab­ri­cate, build, and auto­mate spe­cial equip­ment. Our PMD group works hand-in-hand with our cus­tomers to pro­duce auto­mat­ed robot­ic cel­lu­lar man­u­fac­tur­ing process­es for sin­gle piece work­flows. And our expe­ri­enced, expert staff assists cus­tomers with design and engi­neer­ing services. 

Our Pro­duc­tion Machin­ing and Assem­bly divi­sion is a con­tract man­u­fac­tur­ing house pro­vid­ing machined com­po­nents from a vari­ety of mate­ri­als. From raw bar, to cast­ings, forg­ings, and extru­sions, we work with our cus­tomers to deliv­er the per­fect prod­uct and the per­fect qual­i­ty. We pro­vide medi­um to large quan­ti­ty machined prod­ucts, as well as val­ue added assem­bly if required. From Batch and Queue” to auto­mat­ed Sin­gle Piece Flow”, we work with a vari­ety of sys­tems to ensure the right deliv­ery for our customers.

TTE Cast­ing Tech­nolo­gies Incor­po­rat­ed is a supe­ri­or per­former and sup­pli­er of choice in the Die Cast indus­try. Our 20,000 square foot facil­i­ty hous­es a team of experts ded­i­cat­ed to the best prod­ucts and ser­vices in the indus­try. From auto­mo­tive, to appli­ances, to light­ing, and more, TTE Cast­ing Tech­nolo­gies serves a wide range of cus­tomers. From engi­neer­ing, to die cast­ing, to fin­ish­ing, we are com­mit­ted to main­tain­ing an uncom­pro­mis­ing ded­i­ca­tion to qual­i­ty and service.

Industry Specializations


General Manufacturing

Primary Geographies




North Carolina

South Carolina


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