ABB Robot History

Nov 29, 2017

ABB has grown to become a global power in automation technologies with its countless innovation and robotic systems. Everything that ABB does focuses on improving productivity, quality, and efficiency.

ABB robot history

ABB is the prod­uct of numer­ous acqui­si­tions and merg­ers, yet has grown into becom­ing a leader in glob­al pow­er and automa­tion tech­nolo­gies. They are behind many inno­va­tions and tech­nolo­gies in mod­ern soci­ety today. Every­thing ABB does focus­es on improv­ing qual­i­ty, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and effi­cien­cy while also min­i­miz­ing the envi­ron­men­tal impact. 

Although the head office is in Switzer­land, ABB oper­ates in more than 100 coun­tries includ­ing the USA, Cana­da, and Mex­i­co. The USA ABB Robot­ics head­quar­ters is locat­ed in Auburn Hills, Michigan.


1988 — ASEA of Vasteras, Swe­den (found­ed 1883) and BBC Brown Boveri Ltd of Baden, Switzer­land, (found­ed 1891) announce plans to form ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd., head­quar­tered in Zurich, Switzer­land. Each par­ent will hold 50 per­cent of the new company.

1988- Oper­a­tions begin Jan­u­ary 5, 1988. In the first year, some 15 acqui­si­tions are made, amount­ing to $17 bil­lion. Total employ­ment world­wide at the end of the year is 160,000.

1990 — ABB begins an aggres­sive expan­sion in East­ern Europe and pre­pares for expan­sion into Asia. The rate of acqui­si­tion slows in the U.S. and West­ern Europe and a peri­od of con­sol­i­da­tion and restruc­tur­ing in these regions begins. Acqui­si­tions amount to US$ 700 mil­lion, while divesti­tures total approx­i­mate­ly US $1.1 bil­lion. Employ­ment lev­els world­wide increase again to 215,150.

1998- ABB launch­es a delta robot designed for pick­ing and pack­ing, called the Flex­Pick­er.

2000- To reduce green­house gas emis­sions, ABB deliv­ered the first com­mer­cial high-volt­age short-to-shop elec­tric power.

2009 - ABB splits robot­ic divi­sion into two new groups called Dis­crete Low Volt­age Prod­ucts, and Automa­tion and Motion.

2010-ABB links the Xiangji­a­ba hydropow­er plant in south­west Chi­na to Shanghai. 

2012- ABB helped to solve a tech­ni­cal chal­lenge that has been left unre­solved for over a hun­dred years. They designed and devel­oped a hybrid DC break­er siutable for the cre­ation of large inter-region­al DC grids. suc­cess­ful­ly designs and devel­ops a hybrid DC break­er suit­able for the cre­ation of large inter-region­al DC grids. 

2014- ABB launch­es world’s first tru­ly col­lab­o­ra­tive robot: Yumi®.

2017- ABB Abil­i­ty™, an indus­try-lead­ing dig­i­tal solu­tion that con­nects cus­tomers to the Indus­tri­al Inter­net of Things. 

We are real­ly look­ing for­ward to see­ing what oth­er amaz­ing inno­va­tions ABB will bring to this world! Con­tact Robots​.com today to start the inte­gra­tion of your ABB robot; 8777626881 or reach rep­re­sen­ta­tives online.

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