Clearing the Air with Motoman Cleanroom Robots

Sep 16, 2014

Motoman cleanroom robots can work in pharmaceutical or electronic environments where particles or dust need to be controlled. In addition to the clean environment that they contribute to a production line, cleanroom robots also bring fast speeds and higher quality products, 24/7.


Clean­rooms are rooms usu­al­ly found in indus­tries, like the phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal and elec­tron­ics indus­tries, that need to keep the par­ti­cles around their prod­ucts under a cer­tain lev­el. Motoman clean­room robots are made with spe­cial parts and coat­ings that are able to active­ly work in these rooms, because they are not in dan­ger of throw­ing par­ti­cles and dust into the air at high rates dur­ing their oper­at­ing processes.

So, why invest in a Motoman clean­room robot­ic sys­tem instead of just keep­ing your clean­room process­es man­u­al? That is sim­ple – ele­vat­ed qual­i­ty. Just like any oth­er appli­ca­tion a Motoman robot can per­form, clean­room robot­ics are faster than any man­u­al appli­ca­tion, which means that prod­ucts can be com­plet­ed and sent out to the con­sumer at a faster rate.

Of course, speed is not the only advan­tage of a clean­room robot though. Because clean­rooms can­not have more than a cer­tain num­ber of par­ti­cles in the air at any time, it makes sense for a man­u­fac­tur­er to auto­mate the entire clean­room process. While humans have to go in and out of clean­rooms and may bring in dif­fer­ent organ­isms and par­ti­cles with them, robots remain sta­tion­ary in the clean­rooms at all times. This means that Motoman robot­ic clean­room sys­tems do not pose the same threat to prod­uct con­t­a­m­i­na­tion as humans do, which saves the com­pa­ny on wast­ed prod­ucts from con­t­a­m­i­na­tion or work­er errors.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the clean­room robots built by Motoman Robot­ics? Then you should pick up the phone and call Robots​.com. Our staff is on-site to help you con­fig­ure your entire clean­room system.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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