Exciting New E-Series from Universal Robots

Jun 22, 2018

Universal Robots have released the E-series to include the UR3-e, UR5-e, and UR10-e that provide even simpler user interface and programming plus a force torque sensor in axis 6! Universal Robots continues to provide quick and reliable innovations!

Uni­ver­sal Robots is excit­ed to announce the release of a new series called the E‑series which includes three new robots: the UR3‑e, UR5‑e, and UR10‑e. Uni­ver­sal Robots excels at design­ing auto­mat­ed solu­tions that bring max­i­mum safe­ty, ROI, and poten­tial to busi­ness­es of all shapes and sizes.

The recent­ly released e‑series does all of this and more as it pro­vides rapid automa­tion deploy­ment, unpar­al­leled sim­plic­i­ty, and diverse appli­ca­tion cov­er­age. A robot oper­a­tor with no pro­gram­ming abil­i­ty can quick­ly set­up a UR robot and begin imme­di­ate pro­gram­ming. These robots are also light­weight, space sav­ing, and quick to re-deploy to oth­er appli­ca­tions and oth­er areas in your pro­duc­tion line. 

Universal Robots URe Series

Pic­ture Cour­tesy of Uni­ver­sal Robot

What are the New Features?

The e‑series pro­vides excit­ing new capa­bil­i­ties such as a force torque sen­sor in Axis 6, even greater res­o­lu­tion HMI with Capac­i­tive touch, and even sim­pler nav­i­ga­tion and programming.


The new Uni­ver­sal Robot Pen­dant has stream­lined the user inter­face lay­out so there are less clicks to reach com­mon com­mands. This pro­vides sim­pler pro­gram­ming, eas­i­er nav­i­ga­tion, and high­er res­o­lu­tion HMI with Capac­i­tive touch­screen. There are also new lan­guages avail­able and all soft­ware has been updat­ed on com­mon .urp method.

Axis 6

There are new ser­i­al comms avail­able for the user to Axis 6 (no cable for RS-485 type grip­pers (robo­t­iq etc.) The E‑series also offers faster polling rates on joints and over­all bet­ter con­trol due to the 500Hz sys­tem bus up the arm– up from 125Hz on CB3 con­troller. Also, 2Amps of peak cur­rent on User dig­i­tal outputs.

This Axis also includes a Force Torque sen­sor that pro­vides the abil­i­ty for out of the box sand­ing / pol­ish­ing / assem­bly type force feed­back con­trols. Addi­tion­al­ly, the soft­ware wiz­ard on-board robot pro­vides auto­mat­ic pay­load estimation.

Main Con­trol board

The new main con­trol board pro­vides 20 dig­i­tal in and 16 dig­i­tal out.

Two new Pro­gram­ma­ble Safe­ty functions

To pro­vide an even safer expe­ri­ence there are new pro­gram­ma­ble safe­ty func­tions that help pro­vide bet­ter Stop­ping time and dis­tance. Fur­ther­more, the safe­ty rat­ed elbow mon­i­tor­ing pro­vides force and angle. 

E‑Series Robots

UR3e — E Series Uni­ver­sal Robot

The UR3e pro­vides a 3 kg pay­load of 3 kg and a 500 mm reach radius. There is 360-degree rota­tion on all wrist joints and infi­nite rota­tion on the end joint. This small yet pow­er­ful table-top cobot han­dles high pre­ci­sion and light assem­bly tasks with ease.

UR5e — E Series Uni­ver­sal Robot

Offer­ing a great bal­ance between size a pow­er, the UR5‑e pro­vides a larg­er pay­load at 5 kg and longer reach at 850 mm. It is ide­al for automat­ing low-weight pro­cess­ing task and is equal­ly easy to pro­gram and set up, as the medi­um-sized mem­ber of the Uni­ver­sal Robots family.

UR10e — E Series Uni­ver­sal Robot

The UR 10‑e pro­vides abil­i­ty to auto­mate tasks up to 10 kg with a reach of 1300 mm, with no com­pro­mise on pre­ci­sion. It is the most pow­er­ful in the series and can eas­i­ly accom­plish pack­ag­ing and pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions in facil­i­ties where there is a larg­er dis­tance between dif­fer­ent oper­at­ing areas.

Con­tact Robots​.com Today!

It is now easy to see the incred­i­ble inno­va­tions that Uni­ver­sal Robots is bring­ing to the automa­tion industry. 

Robots​.com experts have over twen­ty five years of man­u­fac­tur­ing expe­ri­ence and look for­ward to guid­ing you to the per­fect automa­tion solu­tion. For more infor­ma­tion on Uni­ver­sal Robots, con­tact the rep­re­sen­ta­tives at Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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