Fanuc ArcMate 100iBe is Perfectly Precise, yet Compact

May 1, 2016

If your production line is seeking greater precision and productivity, then the Fanuc ARC Mate 100iBe is the solution. The ARC Mate 100iBe brings six axes of speed, precision, and a compact size to help save your floor space. Furthermore, the ARC Mate 100iBe has an easy installation process, making integration and set-up a breeze.

Fanuc ArcMate 100iBe Robot

The Fanuc ARC Mate 100iBe answers the call for pre­ci­sion and peak pro­duc­tiv­i­ty for your next arc weld­ing job.

Fanuc thought­ful­ly designed all ele­ments of this sys­tem to enhance prod­uct qual­i­ty and out­put. This is seen with the incred­i­ble reach/​stroke ratio of 1,373 mm reach to 985 mm stroke. In addi­tion, the high-six-axis speeds and con­densed wrist design help to min­i­mize air cut times. In order to short­en weld­ing lead length, improve the wire feed reli­a­bil­i­ty and arc start capa­bil­i­ty, there is a wire feed motor mount­ed direct­ly to the robot’s upper arm. The ARC Mate 100iBe offers dif­fer­ent options based on your needs as it is avail­able with 2 or 6 brakes.

In addi­tion, the 100iBe was made to be com­pact in order to sim­pli­fy the instal­la­tion process and help ease trans­porta­tion of the sys­tem. To fur­ther pre­serve pro­duc­tion floor space, Fanuc decid­ed to inte­grate the R‑J3iB con­troller into the base of the robot which also makes the instal­la­tion process eas­i­er. The R‑J3iB Mate con­troller helps to pro­vide easy instal­la­tion, start­up, trou­bleshoot­ing and main­te­nance. It also includes appli­ca­tion-spe­cif­ic hard keys to help give intu­itive con­trol over the process.

Some of the oth­er great fea­tures of the 100iBe include the plug and play per­for­mance with an ArcLink inter­face to Lin­coln Elec­tric Pow­er Wave or Sur­face Ten­sion Trans­fer. Also, Tur­bo­Move helps to increase arc on-time and through­put with its advanced ser­vo con­trol fea­tures to help per­fect­ly con­trol the speed and smooth­ness of the point-to-point motion. Increased flex­i­bil­i­ty is brought to the 100iBe by ser­i­al link con­struc­tion which elim­i­nates the link arm and decreas­es mov­ing parts. There are also vital bear­ings to give the robot rigid­i­ty and per­for­mance with a trust­wor­thy Fanuc AC ser­vo motor that includes absolute encoder positioning.

In order to accom­mo­date both sim­ple and com­plex arc weld­ing jobs, the fol­low­ing soft­ware fea­tures are supported:

  • Torch Guard: When a col­li­sion is detect­ed, Torch Guard comes to the res­cue and stops any motion.
  • Torch­Mate: In order to improve weld qual­i­ty, Torch­Mate is avail­able to work in con­junc­tion with Torch Guard and adjust for changes in the tool cen­ter point.
  • Touch Sens­ing: This option allows the robot to rapid­ly locate parts and store the posi­tion infor­ma­tion to off­set the robot path as nec­es­sary. This increas­es com­pen­sa­tion for part vari­a­tion and decreas­es the need for trimmed parts and expen­sive fixtures.
  • Data Mon­i­tor: When the feed­back para­me­ters do not stay inside a pre­de­fined win­dow, Data Mon­i­tor helps to flag the weld and keeps a record of this feed­back for future use.
  • Error Recov­ery: This helps to reduce sys­tem down­time and scrap by enabling the robot to auto­mat­i­cal­ly move to a repair posi­tion, user defined, and return to weld­ing after the repair has been made.
  • Pass­word: To increase secu­ri­ty, Pass­word Pro­tec­tion offers four lev­els of secu­ri­ty to help lim­it the access of users to pre­vent unau­tho­rized data mod­i­fi­ca­tions. Event Log­ging records oper­a­tional changes made to teach pen­dant pro­grams and sys­tem data.

If you are look­ing for a pre­cise and reli­able arc weld­ing robot, then the ARC Mate 100iBe is your solu­tion. Robots​.com pro­vides solu­tions from sev­er­al dif­fer­ent robot­ic man­u­fac­tur­ers, includ­ing Fanuc Robot­ics, so we are ready to assist you. 

If you are inter­est­ed in improv­ing your man­u­fac­tur­ing process with the Fanuc ARC Mate 100iBe then you should give our Robots​.com rep­re­sen­ta­tives a call today at 8777626881 or con­tact us here online.

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