Fanuc Coating Robot: the P-250iA

Jul 13, 2013

The perfect Fanuc coating robot for your application is the Fanuc P-250iA. The P-250iA offers the best work envelope and motion performance in the industry. The Fanuc P-250iA also helps to reduce the operating costs while also bringing increased throughput and quality.

Fanuc P250iA robot for painting

The P‑250iA Fanuc coat­ing robot is ready to tack­le large paint­ing jobs. Fanuc’s mod­els pro­vide the industry’s best work enve­lope, as well as opti­mal motion per­for­mance. Low oper­at­ing costs are achiev­able with this series of robots, as well as max­i­mum through­put and quality.

The P‑250ia is equipped with a hol­low wrist for effi­cient process inte­gra­tion. The out­er arm makes mul­ti­ple hose rout­ing options pos­si­ble, and the option exists for two motors on the out­er arm.

Fanuc prides itself on its flex­i­bil­i­ty: the coat­ing robot can be mount­ed on the floor, wall, or invert­ed, and has option­al rail solu­tions. The result­ing reach of the robot allows it to main­tain pre­cise tar­get dis­tances and gun ori­en­ta­tions regard­less of part size. 

The appli­ca­tion envi­ron­ment is clean and san­i­tary, due to the hol­low wrist and through-arm hose rout­ing. The plas­tic arm also stays clean since it reduces ground­ed sur­faces. Waste is min­i­mized with col­or valves and the in-arm gear pump and flow meter.

ROBOGU­IDE Paint­PRO soft­ware is avail­able for PC-based graph­i­cal pro­gram­ming and coat­ing appli­ca­tions. This tool allows the user to cre­ate, view, edit, and sim­u­late robot programs.

The P‑250iA series of paint and coat­ing robots offer sev­er­al process advan­tages, like the abil­i­ty to uti­lize spray guns and rotary atom­iz­ers, and extreme­ly fast accel­er­a­tion motion, pro­vid­ing faster cycle times. The reli­a­bil­i­ty and main­te­nance advan­tages are also appar­ent. The large wrist aper­ture, inter­nal­ly and exter­nal­ly sealed, proves reli­able specif­i­cal­ly in a paint­ing environment.

The P‑250iA is just one of many robots Robots​.com in Fanuc coat­ing robots. If you would like an assess­ment on how to inte­grate a Fanuc coat­ing robot, con­tact us today for more infor­ma­tion; rep­re­sen­ta­tives can be con­tact online or at 8777626881.

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