Fanuc iRVision

Aug 26, 2011

Fanuc's iRvision includes a camera and a cable that enhances the motion and overall precision of the automation process. There are a variety of options you can choose to enhance your production line with Fanuc's line of vision processes.


iRvi­sion is Fanuc’s easy to use robot vision sys­tem. The vision sys­tem is avail­able for all of the Fanuc R‑30iA con­trollers. It involves only a cam­era and cable and is capa­ble of part loca­tion along with error proof­ing. iRvi­sion uses 2D guid­ance as a plat­form offer­ing addi­tion­al options for opti­mal performance.


2D Guid­ance- iRVi­sion uses 2D guid­ance as the main plat­form for its vision sys­tem. 2D can pre­cise­ly locate parts, elim­i­nat­ing the use of extra equip­ment for such func­tions. It can effort­less­ly adapt to changes in part posi­tion as well as find them in an X, Y, rota­tion plane.

3DL Sen­sor- This fea­ture of iRVi­sion is in addi­tion to 2D guid­ance. It is capa­ble of rapid­ly find­ing part posi­tions and ori­en­ta­tions. It has a high degree of pre­ci­sion when it comes to part selec­tion due to its abil­i­ty to com­pre­hend posi­tion­al information.

Visu­al Line Track­ing- This is anoth­er fea­ture of iRVi­sion that is to be used in com­pli­ance with 2D guid­ance. This fea­ture pro­vides robots with the capa­bil­i­ty to pick parts from a con­vey­or belt. This is done through encoders that are attached to the belt, send­ing infor­ma­tion to iRVi­sion about speed, posi­tion, and direc­tion for accu­rate part location.

For more infor­ma­tion or a quote con­tact Robots​.com at 8777626881

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