Flexible Spot Welding with the Motoman VS50 Robot

Oct 14, 2014

The Motoman VS50 has an integrated spot welding harness to facilitate programming and keep maintenance costs down. ​The VS50 also brings great accuracy, speed, and strength to the spot welding production line. The Motoman VS50 has 7 degrees of freedom, flexible reach, and an overall enlarged range of motion.


Spot weld­ing is one of the old­est robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions on the mar­ket, but it is also one that has remained com­mon in sev­er­al indus­tries, includ­ing the auto­mo­tive indus­try. Motoman Robot­ics has an exten­sive line of spot weld­ing robots. One of their old­er, yet reli­able spot welders is the VS50 robot. Like many oth­er spot weld­ing robots, the VS50 has speed, accu­ra­cy, and strength, but it also has flex­i­bil­i­ty, which comes in handy for com­pa­nies that are look­ing to save money.

One of the great­est ben­e­fits of the VS50 robot is its reach flex­i­bil­i­ty. With sev­en degrees of free­dom, it has an enlarged range of motion. This type of reach can come in handy when spot weld­ing large parts or parts on two sep­a­rate sizes of the pro­duc­tion line. And, because the Motoman VS50 is ide­al for flex­i­ble, high-den­si­ty lay­outs, it helps man­u­fac­tur­ers reduce cycle times. This boost in pro­duc­tiv­i­ty could allow man­u­fac­tur­ers to eas­i­ly decrease pro­duc­tion costs.

Anoth­er ben­e­fit of the Motoman VS50 is the inte­grat­ed spot weld­ing har­ness. This har­ness helps to facil­i­tate pro­gram­ming for the robot, while also keep­ing main­te­nance costs down. This har­ness holds most of the wires and cables inside, great­ly reduc­ing wear and tear, which means less future main­te­nance and part replacement.

Robots​.com is an offi­cial Yaskawa Motoman Robot­ics Solu­tion Provider. Our rela­tion­ship with Motoman allows us to pro­vide bet­ter deals at low­er prices, espe­cial­ly on refur­bished robots like the VS50. If you’re inter­est­ed in a spot weld­ing robot, like this one, con­tact us today by fill­ing out our con­tact form or call us at 8777626881 to get a quick price quote. We can help you make the best deci­sion on which exact spot weld­ing mod­el is best for your spe­cif­ic pro­duc­tion setup. 

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