Getting the most out of your workcell with simulation
Jan 5, 2014
Simulating your production line with a workcell simulator will help to reflect the reality of the shop floor. Workcell simulations will create a detailed 3D layout of the workcell to help simulate what the actual layout and production line will look like. Technology will only continue to advance and make this simulator more advantageous than it already is.
Robotic simulation and off-line programming save time and money when designing a workcell. The integrator or end-user should take the opportunity to analyze how a workcell will behave before he invests his valuable time and money on equipment. Simulation and off-line programming permit the integrator to analyze multiple scenarios of a workcell before mistakes in designing the cell can be made.
Simulation can be used to figure out which robot model is best for the process, to verify the robot’s reach and access, and to configure the cell around the robot. Simulation actually streamlines and accelerates the process, helping to determine if a design concept will work for the flow of the product.
Simulation tools also help integrators create optimal program paths for the robot. Most robot manufacturers like Fanuc, KUKA, ABB, and Motoman have their own simulation packages that increase the capabilities of CAD-to-path programming.
Motoman uses simulation for reach studies and cycle time analysis. Reach studies attempt to determine the position of graphical tools to decide where to place the part in respect to the robot. Simulation shows how many parts per hour the workcell can create in cycle time analysis. The process can be fine-tuned by repositioning the robot, or using two robots to get the proper cycle time. The company wants to ensure that the robotic system will perform the functions that the end-user needs.
Simulation truly reflects reality on the shop floor. A detailed 3D layout of a workcell in the program will translate very well to what the actual layout will be. As calibration tools continue to grow, the differences between the virtual and real worlds will narrow.
We can help you choose and install the right robot and simulation software. Contact us today online or at 877−762−6881.
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