High Speed Robots Get Products to Consumers Faster

Jul 8, 2014

Robots are able to accomplish tasks at incredibly fast speeds, passing the speeds of human counterparts. This enables companies to offer their products to their customers at a much faster rate. High speed systems bring the necessary speeds to cut down on food spoilage, making them the perfect solution for palletizing or packaging jobs.


Robots move at a high rate of speed, eclips­ing their human coun­ter­parts in many dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tion areas. How­ev­er, there are some robots that move at high­er rates of speed than oth­ers, mak­ing them prefer­able to com­pa­nies that have fast pro­duc­tion lines, like those com­pa­nies in the food and bev­er­age indus­try, for exam­ple. With these faster, high-speed robots, the com­pa­nies that feed us are able to get food out to stores at a more rapid rate.

In the food indus­try, robots are becom­ing a sta­ple to ensure that food gets out to cus­tomers as fast as pos­si­ble. High speed robot­ic sys­tems are used in these types of indus­tries because of the inci­dence of food spoilage. If food is left sit­ting for too long with­out being pack­aged, boxed, pal­letized and shipped, the com­pa­ny may lose mon­ey, because the food may be spoiled or close to spoil­ing before it ever gets to the gro­cery store for the cus­tomer to purchase.

That is why these high­er speed robot­ics are in depend­ed on by the food and bev­er­age indus­tries. While these high speed robots are a great way to improve the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of the line, they also stave off injuries that work­ers may have suf­fered due to the repet­i­tive nature of the job. When work­ers are injured or off work because of sick­ness, the line slows down or shuts down com­plete­ly. With high speed robots, there is no need to shut down the line. These robots do not suf­fer from injuries like work­ers would, and they are able to work 24 hours a day, 365 days a year to ensure that the pro­duc­tion lines run fast and smooth.

Would you fac­to­ry ben­e­fit from a high speed robot on the pro­duc­tion line? If so, then you should con­tact Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for top robot­ics com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, KUKA, and ABB. Our staff will work with you to assist you in the build­ing and cus­tomiza­tion of your robot­ic sys­tem, ensur­ing that all of your needs are met in the process.

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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