How to Avoid the Common Mistake of Touching Up Points on a Robot

Oct 29, 2015

It is important to understand the mistakes that can happen on a robot system in order to avoid them. One of the most common mistakes is touching up points on the robot. There are certain steps to see why the points may be off on your robotic system.


There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent mis­takes that oper­a­tors can make when learn­ing to oper­ate a robot. Some of these mis­takes are easy to avoid in a few sim­ple steps. One of the most com­mon of these mis­takes is touch­ing up points on the robot.

When a robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tion begins to pro­duce defects, it is impor­tant to fig­ure out what is caus­ing the defect quick­ly so the prob­lem can be cor­rect­ed. There are a vari­ety of steps that a pro­gram­mer should go through to cor­rect those defects. How­ev­er, touch­ing up points, which may be the operator’s first incli­na­tion, should actu­al­ly be the last thing done to the robot. Since robots are accu­rate and repeat­able with­in thou­sandths of an inch, if points are off, then some­thing in the sys­tem has changed. With­out fig­ur­ing out what that change is, touch­ing up points will not fix the problem. 

Here are some steps to run through to find out why points may be off on your robot­ic weld­ing system: 

Trou­bleshoot the Sys­tem – First, you have to trou­bleshoot your sys­tem. What is off – the robot, the tool, the part, or the tool­ing? With­out this step, it will be hard to under­stand why the defect is happening. 

Run the Robot at Datum Zero Point – So, how do you go about trou­bleshoot­ing the sys­tem? Run the robot to a pro­grammed datum zero point. This will allow points on the work cell to be checked, ver­i­fy­ing that the valid­i­ty of the robot’s align­ment and rul­ing it out as a poten­tial cause. If the robot miss­es a datum point, it could mean the weld­ing gun or tool point is off, and the tool point brack­et on the wrist should ver­i­fy the tool point. If the robot hits the datum point, but miss­es the weld­ing joint or part, the prob­lem could lie with the parts or tool­ing, and not the robot arm itself. 

Check the Mas­ter Part – The Mas­ter Part is a part that nev­er gets weld­ed or used. It is only used for pro­gram­ming pur­pos­es and ver­i­fy­ing pro­grams. When you use the mas­ter part, you will be able to deter­mine if the points are miss­ing align­ment because of the part or the tool­ing. If the mas­ter part has all the points hit prop­er­ly, then the prob­lem is not the tool­ing. If the mas­ter part has all the points miss align­ing, then the prob­lem is either the exter­nal posi­tion­ing of the part or tooling. 

If you fol­low these steps, it will help oper­a­tors pre­vent always touch­ing up points when a defect occurs, and it will vast­ly improve the up-time and per­for­mance of your robot­ic sys­tem dur­ing operation. 

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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