Improving the Aesthetic Appeal With Integration- Ready Motoman Grinding Robots

Oct 14, 2014

Robotic grinding is an important step in the production process as it ensures the final quality of the work piece has a nice aesthetic appeal. In order to bring ultimate productivity and product quality to your production line at an affordable cost, consider a used Motoman grinding robot. Integration-Ready grinding robots are able to accomplish the same tasks with the same efficiency at a fraction of the cost.


Like oth­er mate­r­i­al removal appli­ca­tions, robot­ic grind­ing is an impor­tant task that ensures a work­piece has a nice aes­thet­ic appeal, while also being func­tion­al. Motoman has many new and refur­bished robot­ic grind­ing sys­tems avail­able on the mar­ket today. Used Motoman robot­ic grinders are more afford­able than new mod­els, and they still have all of the capa­bil­i­ties of new units.

Grind­ing robots need to be rigid to make sure that pieces are kept at the right angle and the right amount of pres­sure is applied dur­ing the process. Used Motoman grind­ing robots can ensure a steady arm with even grind­ing for the work­piece. This means that the aes­thet­ic appeal of the piece is not harmed, but it is uni­form to the oth­er pieces that came before it, which means it will fit into the prod­uct as a whole.

Motoman builds robots to last. That is why there are still robot grind­ing sys­tems from Motoman that are still work­ing hard after 10, 15, and even 20 years at the job. How­ev­er, when a robot reach­es the age of retire­ment,” that is not the end. When com­pa­nies feel the need to upgrade their robot after a decade or two, their old robot is sold to a robot­ics inte­gra­tor like Robots​.com.

Our staff will take a refur­bished robot and put it through a com­pre­hen­sive recon­di­tion­ing and inspec­tion process. This means that the used Motoman robot­ic grind­ing sys­tem will be stripped down, repaired, cleaned, and repaint­ed to ensure the next buy­er can get 20 years of ser­vice from it as well. And, like many refur­bished robots, Motoman grind­ing robots can be pur­chased used for about half of the cost of a new sys­tem. This means that man­u­fac­tur­ers save mon­ey while get­ting near­ly the same product.

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about Robots​.com and our 168-point recon­di­tion­ing process for refur­bished robots? Are you inter­est­ed in buy­ing a used sys­tem? If so, you should con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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