Improving Tool Engineering with Robotics

Sep 5, 2013

In order to help plan the processes of manufacturing, there is a specialty field called tool engineering. This field helps to develop tools and machines and also to integrate them to help increase the effectiveness on the production line.


Tool engi­neer­ing, a spe­cial­ty field of indus­tri­al engi­neer­ing, exists to plan the process­es of man­u­fac­ture. Work­ers in this field devel­op tools and machines and inte­grate facil­i­ties to pro­duce prod­ucts. A back­ground in tool engi­neer­ing requires study in the areas of jig design, press tool design, die cast­ing design, plas­tic molds design, and cut­ting tools design.

Tool engi­neers tra­di­tion­al­ly worked from engi­neer­ing draw­ings to mark out a design on raw mate­r­i­al. Man­u­al­ly con­trolled machine tools, such as lath­es, milling machines, grind­ing machines, and jig bor­ers and grinders, would assist the engi­neer in cut­ting the size and shape of the design. Com­put­er-aid­ed design and com­put­er-aid­ed man­u­fac­tur­ing along with CNC machine tools have now tak­en the place of the man­u­al machine tools.

Sev­er­al com­pa­nies spe­cial­ize in tool engi­neer­ing. L & Z Tool & Engi­neer­ing, Inc. claims to be the indus­try leader in engi­neer­ing and cre­ation of plas­tic injec­tion molds and die cast dies. They also spe­cial­ize in design, engi­neer­ing, pro­to­types, pre­ci­sion tool­ing, and sin­gle mul­ti-tool fab­ri­ca­tion. Man­u­fac­tur­ing a project involves cre­at­ing a work­ing pro­to­type by using CAD tech­nol­o­gy. Next, the tool engi­neer cre­ates a mod­el of the parts in a 3‑D for­mat. Prob­lems are antic­i­pat­ed and solved in the next step, and then 3‑D design soft­ware cre­ates a mold design to be reviewed by the customer.

Oak Ridge Tool-Engi­neer­ing, Inc. promis­es to pro­vide project man­age­ment, engi­neer­ing, and qual­i­ty crafts­man­ship in pre­ci­sion tool­ing, machin­ing, fab­ri­ca­tion, and man­u­fac­tur­ing. They cus­tom-design mechan­i­cal equip­ment and fab­ri­cat­ed met­al prod­ucts for the aero­space, defense, and ener­gy mar­kets. They have cre­at­ed a wide range of prod­ucts such as a mono­chro­ma­tor shield for HFIR cold-neu­tron, a JSF win­dow assem­bly tool, and a Delta Reusable ship­ping container. 

Machine Tool Engi­neer­ing spe­cial­izes in high-pre­ci­sion CNC turn­ing, milling, and grind­ing to assist cus­tomers with pro­to­typ­ing, and short or long run production.

Each com­pa­ny offers tool engi­neer­ing with a promise of cus­tomer satisfaction.

Robots​.com works with cus­tomers to pro­vide the best indus­tri­al robot set­up in their facil­i­ty. This includes pro­to­type tool­ing which is con­cept tool­ing of what the part will be work­ing with. If you would like to learn more about indus­tri­al robots and their tool­ing, con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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