It’s all in the design: Applications of Robotic Workcells

Oct 9, 2024

A robotic workcell can tackle a variety of tasks, from welding to material handling to material removal, they can do it all. Workcells can be supplied with stationary or rotating turntables, depending on the application's specific needs.


While you may have heard that pur­chas­ing and inte­grat­ing a robot­ic work­cell is a great way to bring automa­tion into your shop, you may be ask­ing your­self, What can a robot­ic work­cell do? What types of appli­ca­tions can it perform?”

The answer is sim­ple – a robot work­cell can do almost any­thing that a sin­gle robot on a line can do. From weld­ing to mate­r­i­al han­dling to mate­r­i­al removal, robot­ic work­cells can do it all, depend­ing on their design.

Some weld­ing robot­ic work­cells may have a design that includes up to three robots so that the work­cell can weld mul­ti­ple parts or one large part simul­ta­ne­ous­ly. A mate­r­i­al han­dling work­cell may con­sist of two robots that manip­u­late items and put them in a cer­tain place, pos­si­bly even hand­ing them off to each oth­er with­out the use of any oth­er positioner.

When it comes to mate­r­i­al removal, like debur­ring, sand­ing, or oth­er appli­ca­tions, the work­cell can be fit­ted with a sta­tion­ary table or 180-degree rotat­ing turntable, depend­ing on the need. With the sta­tion­ary table, a part can be loaded on the table, the doors closed and the appli­ca­tion run. With a turntable robot­ic work­cell, the piece is loaded onto the table, and then the table will turn 180 degrees, mov­ing the part in and out of the robot’s work zone so it can per­form the application.

Once again, work­cell robot­ics can per­form any of the sev­er­al robot­ic appli­ca­tions that are out there in indus­try today. It all depends on how they are designed and programmed.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor of robot­ic work­cells for com­pa­nies like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, has sev­er­al options when it comes to robot work­cell appli­ca­tions. Robots​.com will help cus­tomers design the per­fect work­cell for their appli­ca­tion and facility’s needs.

For more infor­ma­tion on inte­grat­ing automa­tion into your shop with a cus­tomized Robots​.com work­cell, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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