It’s built like a man, but it’s not – it’s a humanoid robot

Jul 29, 2013

Technology is continually innovating the robotic process and creating new solutions to make life easier. The robotic humanoid is six foot, two inches tall and weighs in at 330 pounds, its arms are long enough to pick up a car.


When some­one says, humanoid robot,” your first thought might be some­thing like the red-eyed mon­sters you see in The Ter­mi­na­tor. That is not typ­i­cal­ly the case. Though they are made of met­al and some­times much larg­er than us, these robots work for us, not against us.

One of the newest humanoid robot designs is from DARPA, and its name is ATLAS. Accord­ing to a July 2013 arti­cle from Foxnews​.com, ATLAS is one of the most advanced humanoid robots ever built in con­junc­tion with the DARPA Vir­tu­al Robot­ics Chal­lenge. DARPA is a defense con­trac­tor work­ing on humanoid robots for the U.S. Military.

This robot­ic humanoid is six foot, two inch­es tall and weighs in at 330 pounds. Unlike humans, it does not have a six-two wingspan.” Actu­al­ly, its arms are long enough to pick up a car. In a word, this humanoid robot is huge, and just slight­ly foreboding.

ATLAS has a sys­tem of sen­sors and hydraulics that help it maneu­ver and move its limbs through a range of nat­ur­al motions, the arti­cle stat­ed. Just like a human being, this humanoid robot can walk up a flight of stairs, climb over and move around obsta­cles, stay on its feet when hit with 20 pound weights and even stay bal­anced when walk­ing over uneven terrain.

Unlike the robot­ic humanoids that took over in The Ter­mi­na­tor, this humanoid is engi­neered to help. It would be used in real-life dis­as­ter sce­nar­ios to go into areas before it is safe for human first respon­ders. Basi­cal­ly, it would become the ulti­mate first respon­der – not to men­tion, a lot tougher on the bat­tle­field, if it ever comes to that!

While Robots​.com does not have a lot of humanoid robots hang­ing around the ware­house, there are some dual-armed robots that appear to have a humanoid look to them. These robots are basi­cal­ly two arms and a tor­so. Some­times they even have heads to make them appear even more human. Many of these robots are used in assem­bly and pack­ing appli­ca­tions. Their arms can work simul­ta­ne­ous­ly on one task, or they can work inde­pen­dent­ly on dif­fer­ent tasks to speed up production.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Motoman, Fanuc, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robots, would be hap­py to help you find the right dual-armed robot for your indus­tri­al facil­i­ty. If you would like to know more about the robots we have avail­able for cus­tomiza­tion and pur­chase, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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