Kuka and Robotic Milling

Apr 25, 2012

KUKA created one of the first 6 axes robots and is now one of the leading producers of industrial robots. They continue to innovate and create products that are cutting edge.


KUKA is a Ger­man based robot­ics com­pa­ny that is one of the lead­ing pro­duc­ers of indus­tri­al robots in the world. They orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed the world’s first 6 axes robot in 1973 and today their robots are used among sev­er­al indus­tries includ­ing auto­mo­tive, met­al work­ing, and food. Their main head­quar­ters is locat­ed in Augs­burg, Ger­many but they also have a North Amer­i­can head­quar­ters in Shel­by Town­ship, Michigan.

As a lead­ing man­u­fac­tur­er KUKA stays on top by keep­ing their prod­uct line up to date. One of their most recent addi­tions is their robot­ic milling tech­nol­o­gy for met­al cut­ting and pro­to­typ­ing appli­ca­tions. Robot milling is a process used to cut away mate­r­i­al to form a spe­cif­ic struc­ture, often a mold or pro­to­type. KUKA robot­ic milling is capa­ble of pro­duc­ing high­er through­put, low­er cap­i­tal costs, and increase flex­i­bil­i­ty. A milling robot has the advan­tage of flex­i­bil­i­ty because of a large work enve­lope with a 6 axis struc­ture, giv­ing it the free­dom it needs to maneu­ver. Milling robots also have the advan­tage of using a sim­ple cell struc­ture with mul­ti­ple part fix­tures in their work enve­lope, allow­ing the oper­a­tor to fix­ture one part while the robot is milling. This helps to increase pro­duc­tiv­i­ty which saves man­u­fac­tur­ers time and money.

A KUKA milling robot such as the KR100 HA has a long reach of 2600mm with a 6 axis work enve­lope that allows the robot to be pre­cise and flex­i­ble. The KUKA KR30 HA is anoth­er milling robot with a reach of 2033mm and a 6 axis work enve­lope. This unit uses fine gears mak­ing it an excel­lent choice for pre­ci­sion milling. Both units have 6 degrees of free­dom with their axes allow­ing them to maneu­ver swift­ly around objects and accu­rate­ly cut even the most intri­cate parts.

For a quick quote please con­tact Robots​.com online or at 8777626881.

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