Medical Equipment and Jeep Parts in Broomfield, CO

Nov 11, 2013

Broomfield, CO has a few companies that can benefit from robotic technology such as Morton Bowen. When these type of companies depend on pinpoint precision, robots with vision and laser systems answer the call. This means that industrial robots can be used to accomplish a wide range of tasks such as medical equipment and jeep parts.


Broom­field, Col­orado is a town of just under 60,000 res­i­dents with a strong econ­o­my that boomed in the 1990s due to the tech­nol­o­gy indus­try. Cur­rent­ly, there are sev­er­al com­pa­ny head­quar­ters in Broom­field, includ­ing Ball, Noo­dles & Com­pa­ny and Mrs. Fields. How­ev­er, the econ­o­my is not all about can­ning and cook­ing these days. There is still a strong man­u­fac­tur­ing con­tin­gent in Broom­field as well, and it could grow stronger with the help of robot­ics.

Mor­ton Bowen, a lead­ing sup­pli­er of pre­ci­sion com­po­nents for the med­ical indus­try, took up shop in Broom­field, CO. This is one of many com­pa­nies that could ben­e­fit from robot­ic tech­nol­o­gy. Com­pa­nies like Mor­ton Bowen, which have to have pin­point pre­ci­sion for their prod­ucts, would do well to use robot­ic cut­ting equip­ment as opposed to man­u­al cut­ters. By using robot­ic vision and lasers for cut­ting of very small parts, man­u­fac­tur­ers get a more accu­rate, even cut that improves the over­all qual­i­ty of the pre­ci­sion com­po­nents. The med­ical indus­try is using robots in surgery these days, so why not use robots to make the surgery equipment?

Anoth­er com­pa­ny that works through Broom­field is Bestop, a mak­er of prod­ucts for Jeep and oth­er vehi­cles. They make soft tops, hard tops, con­sole lock box­es, etc. for vehi­cles. This, again, is where robot­ic cut­ting, as well as robot­ic assem­bly and weld­ing could come into play. Not only would cuts be more accu­rate, but assem­bly and weld­ing time would decrease, which would allow for more prod­ucts to be made each day. Improv­ing on the man­u­fac­tur­ers profits.

Com­pa­nies in Broom­field, Col­orado who are look­ing for robot­ic automa­tion should turn to Robots​.com in Mar­i­on, Ohio. Robots​.com is a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc, ABB, Motoman, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA robot­ics. These part­ner­ships give us access to hun­dreds of robot mod­els. Our staff will work with you to get the right robot sys­tem for the right price.

For more infor­ma­tion about inte­grat­ing a robot­ic automa­tion sys­tem with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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