Newest FlexPainter Robot Increases Acceleration

Aug 11, 2013

The IRB 5500 FlexPainter helps to add acceleration and painting speed to your production line. The FlexPainter robots are lightweight, compact, and able to add versatility with different color change valves, 2K mixers, and paint regulators and pumps. A high finish quality is guaranteed with the integration of a FlexPainter on your line.


One of the first ques­tions a new car own­er is asked is, What col­or did you choose?” The exte­ri­or sur­face of a car must be paint­ed, and paint robots com­plete this task effi­cient­ly and effec­tive­ly. The lat­est gen­er­a­tion IRB 5500 Flex­Painter robot boasts high accel­er­a­tion and paint­ing speed with the paint appli­ca­tion equip­ment actu­al­ly inte­grat­ed. These com­po­nents are light­weight and com­pact, and include col­or change valves, 2K mix­ers, air and paint reg­u­la­tors and pumps.

32 col­ors are inte­grat­ed into the Flex­Painter, and solu­tions for both sol­vent- and water-borne paint are pos­si­ble. Few­er robots are need­ed in a spray booth due to the high flow RB1000 atomizer’s abil­i­ty for high accel­er­a­tion. A high fin­ish qual­i­ty is guaranteed.

The Flex­Painter ensures cost sav­ings since the vital paint reg­u­la­tion equip­ment can be as close as 15 cm from the wrist, reduc­ing paint and sol­vent waste. The IPS sys­tem also inte­grat­ed the push-out func­tion and no pro­gram­ming is necessary.

A unique con­fig­u­ra­tion of the Flex­Painter allows a flex­i­ble work­ing enve­lope. It is wall-mount­ed and in com­bi­na­tion with anoth­er Flex­Painter, can han­dle jobs that used to require four robots. IRC5P is the paint robot con­trol sys­tem with IPS, Flex­Paint Pen­dant, and Rob­View 5, the cus­tomiz­able PC software.

Robots​.com offers a large vari­ety of paint­ing robots to include Flex­Painter mod­els. Con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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