Painting a vehicle with Fanuc robots

Jul 29, 2013

Fanuc robots has a wide range of robots available to successfully paint automobiles. Fanuc robots can paint, prime, and seal a car body in a very quick fashion with incredible accuracy.


The auto­mo­tive indus­try has used paint­ing robots to paint vehi­cles for sev­er­al years. Now, with the use of Fanuc robots, man­u­fac­tur­ers in the auto­mo­tive indus­try can paint, prime and seal a car body in record time.

Accord­ing to Fanuc, the process of paint­ing a vehi­cle begins with a Fanuc robot, which is mount­ed to mul­ti­ple rails, apply­ing primer to the body that is col­or spe­cif­ic. One way the robot saves time dur­ing vehi­cle paint­ing is by being able to per­form a col­or change for each vehi­cle being paint­ed, if nec­es­sary, ensur­ing each paint coat is con­sis­tent with the manufacturer’s qual­i­ty standards.

The paint booths for auto­mat­ed vehi­cle paint­ing is set up with down­draft ven­ti­la­tion to keep the air clean and clear of dust and debris. This is impor­tant to the qual­i­ty and integri­ty of the vehicle’s paint job. If the air is full of debris, the debris can stick in the paint job, mak­ing imper­fec­tions on its finish.

Once the robot applies the primer dur­ing the vehi­cle paint­ing process, the car moves to get­ting a base coat, where robots ensure that the entire car is coat­ed, includ­ing the car’s inte­ri­or pan­els. After that is a clear coat applied to the car’s body inte­ri­or and exte­ri­or to give the vehi­cle paint job a smooth and pro­tec­tive design.

With the use of Fanuc paint­ing mod­els, the vehi­cle is paint­ed with at the high­est qual­i­ty while cut­ting the costs to the con­sumer as much as possible.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for Fanuc robot­ics, has sev­er­al robots for vehi­cle paint­ing avail­able for cus­tomiza­tion and pur­chase. Robots​.com’ ded­i­cat­ed staff is will­ing to work with cus­tomers to ensure they get the best robot­ic vehi­cle paint­ing sys­tem for their money.

For more infor­ma­tion about paint­ing vehi­cles with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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