Painting with the Utmost Accuracy – KUKA Painting Robots

Jul 29, 2013

If you are looking for a painting robot that can provide amazing accuracy, than consider one of the many KUKA robots. They provide an exact and error-free solution for your painting application.


When it comes to accu­ra­cy, KUKA paint­ing robots may cor­ner the market.

KUKA touts that their paint­ing robots are exact, error-free and have the utmost accu­ra­cy.” That may just be the cause for this brand of robot­ic painter.

When KUKA robot­ic painters per­form a paint­ing appli­ca­tion, they are real­ly treat­ing the mate­r­i­al to improve its prop­er­ties. Paint is used by man­u­fac­tur­ers to either pro­tect the integri­ty of the part from cor­ro­sion or the ele­ments or as an aes­thet­ic choice. Some­times it is both reasons.

For a piece of mer­chan­dise to sell, the paint job has to be near­ly flaw­less. KUKA robot painters and their pro­gram­mers know this. Accord­ing to the KUKA web­site, their painters have sen­si­tive fine-motor func­tions, mak­ing KUKA paint­ing robots almost pre­des­tined for the task.

These robot­ic KUKA painters work with pre­ci­sion and high-repeata­bil­i­ty to pro­duce a prod­uct that has no vis­i­ble irreg­u­lar­i­ties. They can even do a qual­i­ty inspec­tion, with­out hav­ing to set down the parts in between their var­i­ous operations.

Kuka states that this allows their robot­ic painters to con­tin­ue the rapid flow of mate­ri­als down the pro­duc­tion line. While this does pro­tect the man­u­fac­tur­ers’ bot­tom line and speed up the process, it also keeps work­ers away from the nox­ious fumes that are giv­en off dur­ing paint­ing, rais­ing the health lev­el in the work environment.

If you would like to learn more about KUKA robot­ic paint­ing, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881.

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