Palletizing Products? Perfect Robot Software Solutions

Oct 17, 2023

The major industrial robot companies such as Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, and ABB are all developing robotic palletizing software solutions. These automated software solutions will offer you great efficiency and production consistency.


Want to make pal­letiz­ing a pain­less process pron­to? The need for speed and effi­cien­cy is cru­cial in pal­letiz­ing oper­a­tions. When search­ing for that per­fect pal­letiz­ing soft­ware, there is a pletho­ra of options.

KUKA offers Pal­let­Lay­out and Pal­let­Pro pal­letiz­ing soft­ware, which both pro­vide solu­tions for plan­ning a pal­letiz­ing cell, as well as pro­gram­ming and con­trol­ling it. The soft­ware uses sim­ple offline pro­gram­ming with up to thir­ty pal­letiz­ing and con­vey­or sta­tions. The pro­grams can then be con­fig­ured for up to fif­teen dif­fer­ent robot­ic cells.

Fanucs Pal­let­PRO is also offline sim­u­la­tion soft­ware. It uses a process nav­i­ga­tor, cell brows­er, run pan­el, and pro­duc­tion data for sim­u­la­tion. Its users devel­op pal­letiz­ing appli­ca­tions in a 3D sim­u­la­tion environment. 

Motomans soft­ware is enti­tled the Easy­Pal­let Pen­dant Pal­letiz­ing Soft­ware, and pro­grams are gen­er­at­ed auto­mat­i­cal­ly in as lit­tle as one – three menu choic­es. The user makes his selec­tions on the robot teach pen­dant, and this can be done in five min­utes or less. Easy­Pal­let boasts over 200 for­mat­ted pal­letiz­ing pat­terns, which do not cor­re­late with box sizes. Any box and pal­let size can be used, and the pat­tern will auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjust. This soft­ware is high­ly com­pat­i­ble with XML databases.

Robot Stu­dio Pal­letiz­ing Pow­er­Pac Soft­ware from ABB designs test­ed sim­u­la­tions in min­utes. Real robot sys­tem pro­grams are cre­at­ed with­out the has­sle of a lengthy pro­gram­ming time, since the robots are con­fig­ured rather than pro­grammed. Even inex­pe­ri­enced pro­gram­mers can devel­op sim­u­la­tions of sys­tems actu­al­ly run­ning in real time.

Colum­bia Oku­ra designed OXPA, which has detailed graph­ics and easy nav­i­ga­tion tools. These tools pro­vide quick access to fifty stan­dard prod­uct pat­terns that are built into the pro­gram. These stan­dard pat­terns make the pro­gram­ming task sim­ple for novices, but if the user needs to add new pat­terns, he can do so with the Do-It-Your­self pal­letiz­ing soft­ware, even while the robot is running.

Newtec took a mod­u­lar approach with PalDe­sign­er. There are three dif­fer­ent ver­sions of the soft­ware, depend­ing on expe­ri­ence lev­el of the user. PalDe­sign­er links base mod­ules and uses pri­or oper­a­tion sim­u­la­tion for authentication.

Nachi Pal­letiz­ing Soft­ware is sim­ple and effec­tive. The user will pro­gram a start point and the dimen­sions of a part/​product, and the soft­ware will auto­mat­i­cal­ly pro­duce a robot pro­gram. Depend­ing on how the prod­ucts need to be pal­letized, the user can choose between the Sim­ple and High­ly Effec­tive options.

Time is of the essence when pal­letiz­ing, and these soft­ware options pro­vide quick, effi­cient pal­letiz­ing pro­grams and process­es. Robots​.com is capa­ble of inte­grat­ing pal­letiz­ing robot soft­ware into your indus­tri­al robot. Con­tact us today for more infor­ma­tion at 8777626881.

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