Productivity with robotic welding fixtures

Apr 21, 2013

When an automated welding system is integrated onto a production line, it is important to pay attention to the precise layout in order to achieve maximum speed and accuracy. When welding systems are automated, you will notice a higher throughput and more consistent product every time.


The addi­tion of a robot­ic weld­ing cell to a manufacturer’s facil­i­ty can enhance pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, but only if it is prop­er­ly laid out to achieve max­i­mum speed and accuracy.

One of the areas that must be looked at in the lay­out is fix­tur­ing on the robot­ic weld­ing posi­tion­er. Many pro­duc­tiv­i­ty gains are real­ized or lost at the design stage if fix­tur­ing is not con­sid­ered. If fix­ture design is over­looked, it can make the robot­ic weld­ing cell incred­i­bly inef­fi­cient and costly.

Con­sid­er basic fix­ture design objec­tives to improve the pro­duc­tiv­i­ty of the weld­ing robot­ics in your shop. Ask your­self how many dif­fer­ent pieces you plan to weld with this weld­ing cell. For exam­ple, a dual-sided turntable can be set up with fix­tur­ing for two dif­fer­ent parts. While the robot­ic welder is weld­ing one part on side A, the work­er could be prepar­ing anoth­er part to be weld­ed on side B. Anoth­er option is to have both sides use the same piece, to increase the speed in which that cer­tain part is completed.

Robots​.com, pro­vides indus­tri­al robot arms and work­cells from Fanuc, Motoman, KUKA, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and oth­er man­u­fac­tur­ers, works with cus­tomers to design and opti­mize the fix­tur­ing on their robot­ic weld cell to achieve the best pro­duc­tiv­i­ty possible.

Ready to start mov­ing your fac­to­ry toward robot­ic automa­tion with a weld­ing cell? Con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881 for infor­ma­tion on robots, fix­tures, posi­tion­ers and all your weld­ing robot­ic needs. 

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