Protecting robotic wires to reduce costs

Aug 18, 2013

Industrial robots have a variety of wires that helps the operation and communication of their arm. If the wires are properly maintained and protected, than a manufacturer can expect to have reduced wire costs. Moltec partnered with an electrical team to ensure they had the proper protection for their robotic system wires.


Indus­tries all over the world use robot­ics for automat­ing some of their most impor­tant appli­ca­tions, like assem­bly, weld­ing, pal­letiz­ing, and dif­fer­ent kinds of mate­r­i­al removal. All of these robots have wires that run along the robot’s body from the end-of-arm-tool­ing and all the way to the base and are bun­dled over to the controller.

These robot wires, when exposed, can be sub­ject to wear and tear from robot­ic move­ment, as well as from oth­er ele­ments in the shop like the tem­per­a­ture and chem­i­cals used dur­ing dif­fer­ent process­es. An auto­mo­tive OEM (orig­i­nal equip­ment man­u­fac­tur­er) thought about this, and decid­ed they need­ed a way to pro­tect their robot­ic wires for their sys­tems and work­cells.

Usu­al­ly, robot­ic wiring pro­tec­tion is an after­thought when design­ing these sys­tems, accord­ing to Robot­ics Tomor­row, so many indus­tries use off the shelf plas­tic hos­ing and such to do the job. How­ev­er, this auto­mo­tive com­pa­ny decid­ed to part­ner with Moltec Inter­na­tion­al. Moltec part­nered with the company’s elec­tri­cal team to ensure they had the prop­er pro­tec­tion for their robot­ic sys­tem wires. 

Moltec fit­ted all the wiring and cables with swivels at the joints to pro­tect the wires dur­ing robot­ic move­ment. By installing these robot­ic wiring mech­a­nisms, the life cycle of the entire robot was elon­gat­ed. The robot wiring cov­er­ing also saved the auto­mo­tive com­pa­ny mon­ey in the long run because wires didn’t have to be replaced as often, and it cut down on the company’s down­time to replace the wires.

Over­all, the com­pa­ny real­ized that it is best to pro­tect robot­ic wiring first, instead of mak­ing it an afterthought.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor for sev­er­al indus­tri­al robot­ic com­pa­nies like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, Uni­ver­sal Robots, and KUKA, is always look­ing for the best ways to extend the life of the robot­ic sys­tems and work­cells. Robots​.com will make sure your sys­tem has the best pro­tec­tions in place to make sure you get the best robot and wiring that mon­ey can buy.

For more infor­ma­tion on automat­ing with Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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