Robotic automation Cincinnati-style

Oct 28, 2013

Robotic automation is now at home in Cincinnati, bringing some unique manufacturing needs to a variety of businesses. is proud to offer a wide range of robots for companies and was happy to supply Cincinnati with some automated solutions.


Cincin­nati is home to a unique blend of cul­ture fil­ter­ing in from the tri-state area of Ohio, Indi­ana and Ken­tucky. Set on the Ohio Riv­er, Cincin­nati also has some unique man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­tries that ben­e­fit from robot­ic automa­tion offered to them by Robots​.com and oth­er robot­ic inte­gra­tors.

Cincin­nati indus­tries real­ize that they don’t need to be big com­pa­nies to use robot­ic automa­tion. As a mat­ter of fact, many medi­um and small­er com­pa­nies actu­al­ly ben­e­fit high­ly from robot­ics by invest­ing in refur­bished sys­tems that run just as well as the orig­i­nals com­ing off the man­u­fac­tur­ing line.

The city on the riv­er is home to plas­tics man­u­fac­tur­ing indus­tries like Per­for­mance Plas­tics. This Cincin­nati com­pa­ny designs plas­tic goods for the food and bev­er­age indus­try, the aero­space and defense indus­try, the med­ical indus­try and the ener­gy indus­try. Robot­ic automa­tion can be used in every one of those areas. Whether you are assem­bling a plas­tic piece, remov­ing the burrs or pack­ag­ing it for trans­porta­tion, robots can help speed up the pro­duc­tion of such pieces.

Tool­ing com­pa­nies like F and M Maf­co Inc, found in the Cincin­nati sub­urb of Har­ri­son, Ohio, can use robot­ic tech­nol­o­gy when they are repair­ing and recon­di­tion­ing tools for use. Whether they need to weld a piece back togeth­er, clean rust from a tool or remove buildup, water­jet, arc weld­ing and fin­ish­ing robots may be just the tick­et for all of their tool­ing needs.

When it comes to dis­pens­ing and injec­tion mold­ing, noth­ing per­forms bet­ter than a robot. That is why com­pa­nies like Rec­to Mold­ed Parts can trust their plas­tics injec­tion mold­ing to robot­ic hands.” Not only can robots dis­pense the hot plas­tic into the molds, it can also remove the fin­ished prod­uct with a feath­er-like touch, reduc­ing the dam­age of the product.

Cincin­nati com­pa­nies that are look­ing to auto­mate usu­al­ly turn to robot­ic spe­cial­ists like Robots​.com for their robot­ic sys­tem and parts needs. The com­pa­ny works with cus­tomers to design the per­fect robot­ic sys­tems for their pro­duc­tion lines.

To learn more about the robot­ic solu­tions offered by Robots​.com, con­tact us today online or at 8777626881.

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