Robots are taking over -- the really dangerous jobs

Oct 1, 2019

Industrial robots are providing solutions for dangerous environments and jobs that people are exposed to, as seen with manual welding. Automation solutions are providing a break from the dangerous fumes and heavy lifting that workers previously had to accomplish.


With con­tin­u­ing advance­ments in automa­tion, price and acces­si­bil­i­ty are allow­ing more and more com­pa­nies to imple­ment robots into their pro­duc­tion. Under­stand­ably, this change can cre­ate fear in work­ers who feel their jobs may be tak­en away. In real­i­ty, robots are reliev­ing these work­ers from jobs that are tedious, dull and some­times dan­ger­ous while allow­ing them to advance into bet­ter opportunities.

One of the best exam­ples of robots keep­ing work­ers out of harm’s way is robot­ic weld­ing. Repet­i­tive man­u­al weld­ing is extreme­ly haz­ardous to the human body. Dan­ger­ous fumes from met­als and coat­ings can lead to seri­ous ill­ness­es. Some prod­ucts con­tain lead or asbestos; and expo­sure can lead to emphy­se­ma, lung can­cer and even kid­ney fail­ure.

Along with the fumes, man­u­al weld­ing pro­duces a lot of noise and intense heat. The loud envi­ron­ment can cause hear­ing loss and stress in the welder; while the heat can cause burns or heat exhaus­tion. The ultra­vi­o­let light from the weld­ing torch can cause Ultra­vi­o­let Ker­ati­tis, also known as welder’s flash.” 

Robot­ic weld­ing cells have sev­er­al safe­ty fea­tures to make sure work­ers are pro­tect­ed. Safe­ty fenc­ing, inter­lock­ing door switch­es, and light cur­tains keep humans out of the area while the weld­ing robot is in oper­a­tion. While a work­er is load­ing parts, a met­al divider attached to the posi­tion­er keeps them safe from arc glare and sparks from the weld­ing torch. 

In facil­i­ties with robot­ic weld­ing, work­ers are still need­ed to oper­ate, mon­i­tor and inspect the robot and its welds. Safe­ty is the high­est pri­or­i­ty and inte­grat­ing a robot­ic work­cell with safe­ty fea­tures is a great way to stay com­pet­i­tive and cre­ate more jobs locally. 

Ready to move toward weld­ing automa­tion? Con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 8777626881 to begin build­ing your robot weld­ing work­cell.

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