Speed and Safety with the Fanuc ArcMate 100iB

Nov 2, 2015

The Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB robot will bring speed and safety on your production line. It is a reliable welder that will decrease the cycle times and increase the accuracy and functionality on the production line. If you are interested in integrating an ARC Mate 100iB, contact Robots.com experts today.


Speed is one of the most impor­tant ben­e­fits when con­sid­er­ing the switch from man­u­al weld­ing to auto­mat­ed weld­ing. A reli­able auto­mat­ed welder like the Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB can increase the weld­ing appli­ca­tion sig­nif­i­cant­ly, with­out decreas­ing the accu­ra­cy or func­tion­al­i­ty of the process.

When a Fanuc ARC Mate 100iB, like the one fea­tured in the video above, is work­ing at full speed, it can out­per­form sev­er­al work­ers. One robot sys­tem can replace four man­u­al work­ers per shift, which cuts down on labor costs sig­nif­i­cant­ly when run­ning two or three shifts per day. The Arc Mate 100iB is able to oper­ate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with­out need­ing days off or breaks. That means com­pa­nies can fur­ther increase their pro­duc­tiv­i­ty speed, take on more orders, and expand their busi­ness when switch­ing to an auto­mat­ed weld­ing system. 

Inter­est­ed in improv­ing the safe­ty lev­el in your shop? You can do that with the ARC Mate 100iB as well! This Fanuc welder takes over for man­u­al welders, keep­ing human work­ers away from the dan­gers that are faced when per­form­ing man­u­al weld­ing. Work­ers can face burns, reti­nal dam­age, and even res­pi­ra­to­ry dam­age when per­form­ing man­u­al weld­ing process­es. Robots are not dam­aged by any of these issues. They con­tin­ue to work at the same speed, day in and day out, improv­ing uptime and keep­ing work­er injuries at a low. 

Are you inter­est­ed in learn­ing more about the Fanuc Arc Mate 100iB or oth­er welders in the Fanuc line? If so, you should call Robots​.com, a lead­ing inte­gra­tor for many com­pa­nies, includ­ing Fanuc Robot­ics. Our sales rep­re­sen­ta­tives, engi­neers, and tech­ni­cians can help you design, build, and cus­tomize the per­fect weld­ing sys­tem for your facility. 

For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today online or at 7402514321.

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