The “Bang Bang” of Pneumatic Grippers

Jul 15, 2013

Pneumatic grippers are one of the most widely grippers used in automation today. There are a wide range of pneumatic gripper options, all of them help to manipulate work pieces during parts of the manufacturing process. Pneumatic grippers help to move objects and parts on the production line in a gentle and effective fashion, increasing the overall production line's effectiveness.


A robot­ic grip­per, prob­a­bly one of the most impor­tant parts of an indus­tri­al robot, manip­u­lates work pieces dur­ing cer­tain parts of the man­u­fac­tur­ing process. There are sev­er­al dif­fer­ent types of grip­pers. One mod­el, the pneu­mat­ic grip­per, is a set of met­al jaws that come togeth­er and pick up objects. They are called bang bang” grip­pers because of the sound that is made when their jaws lock around something.

Pneu­mat­ic grip­pers are one of the most wide­ly used grip­pers in man­u­fac­tur­ing. The grip­per oper­ates on a cylin­der run by com­pressed air. When the air is sup­plied, the grip­per jaws will close on an object, mak­ing it pos­si­ble for the robot arm to move the piece.

These grip­pers have two types of grip­ping action: exter­nal grip­ping and inter­nal grip­ping. Exter­nal grip­ping, a pop­u­lar method for hold­ing objects, is sim­plis­tic. The grip­pers close, and the force of the jaws holds the item in place. Inter­nal grip­ping is used when the object needs to be held from the cen­ter. The open­ing force of the grip­per holds the object secure­ly in place.

There are also two dif­fer­ent types of pneu­mat­ic robot grip­pers – the par­al­lel grip­per and the angu­lar grip­per. The par­al­lel grip­per moves open and shut hor­i­zon­tal­ly, while the angu­lar grip­per opens and clos­es ver­ti­cal­ly. If nec­es­sary, man­u­fac­tur­ers can also use three-jaw or tog­gle-style grip­pers, depend­ing on the mate­r­i­al being handled.

When choos­ing a pneu­mat­ic grip­per, man­u­fac­tur­ers need to take many fac­tors into con­sid­er­a­tion that could help or hin­der the appli­ca­tion. They need to con­sid­er the part shape, weight and acces­si­bil­i­ty. Also, they need to con­sid­er the envi­ron­ment the grip­per will be work­ing in and the amount of time the item needs to be held. Once all these vari­ables are con­sid­ered, con­sumers can make an informed deci­sion on what type of pneu­mat­ic grip­per to invest in.

Robots​.com, a cer­ti­fied inte­gra­tor of sev­er­al end-of-arm tool­ing options, includ­ing pneu­mat­ic grip­pers, has a large selec­tion of grip­pers avail­able for cus­tomiza­tion on your indus­tri­al robot. For more infor­ma­tion, con­tact Robots​.com today at 8777626881 or online. Our high­ly qual­i­fied staff will help you find the per­fect grip­per for your process.

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