The Benefits of Coating Robots

Aug 13, 2013

Painting and coating robots are quickly advancing with new technologies and becoming more effective on the production line, all at reduced costs. Coating robots help a business stay competitive and bring incredible quality to the production line. Coating robots also help to increase the safety in the work place and decrease the environmental impact.


Paint and coat­ing robots are no longer a cost­ly pur­chase. Instead, they are high­ly afford­able for even small indus­tri­al mar­kets. Coat­ing robots can help indus­tri­al users increase com­pet­i­tive­ness, prod­uct qual­i­ty, and work­man safe­ty. Fur­ther, they reduce the envi­ron­men­tal impact of spray­ing coat­ing materials.

Robots increase a company’s com­pet­i­tive edge. The repeata­bil­i­ty of auto­mat­ed spray­ing is para­mount; once a robot is pro­grammed, it coats mil­lions of parts with­out vari­a­tion. The stan­dard paint sav­ings when using robots as opposed to man­u­al painters is 1530%. This is achieved by film thick­ness tol­er­ance and trig­ger accu­ra­cy. Film thick­ness tol­er­ance of plus or minus .2 mils are stan­dard with robot­ics. This reduces paint loss­es of over-spray­ing or rep­e­ti­tion with under-spray­ing. Trig­ger accu­ra­cy decreas­es paint loss due to paint being sprayed in the air when the trig­ger is on.

Increased and more con­sis­tent prod­uct qual­i­ty is a major ben­e­fit of coat­ing automa­tion. The fin­ish­ing qual­i­ty is increased when a robot does the coat­ing. Humans sim­ply do not have the con­sis­ten­cy or reli­a­bil­i­ty that an auto­mat­ed robot does. Through­put will be increased, and the amount of wast­ed prod­ucts will decrease.

Many paint spray envi­ron­ments are haz­ardous to the work­men who occu­py them. Chem­i­cals used in the paints are unhealthy to breathe. Fur­ther, spray­ing in a repet­i­tive motion could lead to a stress injury. Employ­ees can be moved to safer, less volatile posi­tions and allow robots to work in the harm­ful envi­ron­ments instead.

Coat­ing robots are envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly. The car­bon foot­print impact might soon be legal­ly mea­sured, and robots ensure a small one. Addi­tion­al ener­gy sav­ings are gained, reaped from a soft­er spray pat­tern using less paint flow vol­ume than would be nec­es­sary with a man­u­al work­er. This equals more paint sav­ings and less VOC exhaust.

Robots​.com offers new and used coat­ing robots at a reduced price and can talk through all the ben­e­fits and how to save time and mon­ey with them. Con­tact us today online or at 8777626881 for more information.

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