The Best Industrial Robotic Applications for A 3D Laser Vision System

Jun 1, 2020

Industrial robots can increase their precision, accuracy, and ultimately productivity with 3D laser vision systems. These systems can help applications, such as material handling, create a very effective production line.


Indus­tri­al robots can per­form dozens of dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions, and some pro­duc­tion lines may require sev­er­al dif­fer­ent appli­ca­tions before a prod­uct is fin­ished. So, how do you decide where to inte­grate a 3D vision sys­tem? What appli­ca­tions would ben­e­fit the most from that kind of tech­nol­o­gy? Here is a list of a few appli­ca­tions that could ben­e­fit high­ly from the inte­gra­tion of a laser vision sys­tem with 3D

Many experts believe that 3D vision sys­tems are best suit­ed for mate­r­i­al han­dling appli­ca­tions. As a mat­ter of fact, the first three on the list are part of that fam­i­ly of appli­ca­tions – bin pick­ing, pack­ag­ing and pal­letiz­ing.

Bin pick­ing is one of the most com­mon uses for a 3D vision sys­tem with three-dimen­sion­al tech­nol­o­gy. Bin pick­ing is exact­ly what it sounds like – pick­ing parts out of a bin. This may seem sim­ple enough, but when you employ 3D vision sys­tems, the robot takes on a whole new life. It can dis­tin­guish col­ors and sizes of parts to make sure it picks out the right pieces need­ed for that part of production. 

3D vision sys­tems are vital in the pack­ag­ing areas of a pro­duc­tion line, where parts come to the robot in dif­fer­ent ori­en­ta­tions or heights. With 3D vision there is no need to have mul­ti­ple pro­grams for parts that are at dif­fer­ent heights like there is with 2D vision. The vision sys­tem is able to deter­mine the part height on its own and make posi­tion­al adjust­ments accordingly. 

Anoth­er good appli­ca­tion for 3D vision is depal­letiz­ing. With 3D vision the robot is able to deter­mine how big a box or prod­uct on a pal­let is and where it is locat­ed in space. This allows the robot to deter­mine the best box­es to pick and in which order to pick them based off where they are located. 

While some experts do believe that vision sys­tems are only help­ful for mate­r­i­al han­dling appli­ca­tions, as men­tioned above, it is becom­ing more and more evi­dent that laser vision sys­tems, espe­cial­ly those that have three-dimen­sion­al capa­bil­i­ties, are becom­ing more help­ful in robot­ic weld­ing appli­ca­tions as well. 

Vision in weld­ing can help the robot adapt to small changes in the com­po­nents being weld­ed. Unlike the human eye, a 3D vision sys­tem can help guide the robot along the weld path adjust­ing for any inac­cu­ra­cies in part place­ment or fix­tur­ing issues. 

So, read­ing all this about 3D vision sys­tems has you hooked, right? You want to know who you need to speak with to get this kind of tech­nol­o­gy inte­grat­ed into your facil­i­ty? That’s easy. Con­tact Robots​.com. They are part­ners with big names in the indus­tri­al robot­ics indus­try like Fanuc, Motoman, ABB, and KUKA. These part­ner­ships give them access to up-to-date laser vision sys­tems, even those with 3D technology. 

If you would like to learn more about how Robots​.com can help you inte­grate your appli­ca­tions with 2D or 3D vision sys­tems, con­tact us online or at 8777626881.

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